Which race has the hottest women?



What's this offsite data hoarding kike poll, you black hat hacker?
I got really drunk last night. Don't hurt me!!!

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Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I dated a Persian recently. She was really into me... loved my White cock. Our kids could be White passing... should be fine there.

Where da fawk do I find hot Persian women?
I fucked a Persian girl in 2012 and she smelt bad. Persian women much like Turkish and Arabic women in general tend to get really fat once they hit 30 and also tend to have large moles on their bodies.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
There are white Brazilians, latinas and such. It should have been Europeans instead of white. Anyhow black women are the ugliest, venezuelan broads are some of the hottest people on the planet but they have European stock so I voted whitey
They have White Mexicans, the chicks have blonde hair and look nothing like typical Mexicans, worked with real ones and said there is some mountain region that is nothing but these Whiteys