Where we at with Trump suing social media sites for permanently suspending him?

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Anyone right leaning cannot move forward until this fat fuck dies, along with the rest of the boomers.

He had all the power to sign EOs to go after tech companies, and sat back the last year of his tenure tweeting LAW & ORDER
Lol I totally forgot the media was directing the nigger riot the last year or so and trump was powerless to stop it


Lol I totally forgot the media was directing the nigger riot the last year or so and trump was powerless to stop it
And the primary victims of that were Whites and their businesses, and they STILL come out to support this fat fuck.

We only endlessly heard from him was nigger unemployment and we want more people to come to the country. All his talking points came from the WH kike lawyers.


I'm just this guy you know?
Suing people is so gay. Just go play golf and blow loads on Melania's face, krumph. He folded hard after the chinks stole the election for Biden, so just go lay in an antigravity tank and get massages and relax. Let your operation warp speed kill off a ton of liberals and just enjoy the rest of your life.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Great president until he became collapsible bluffing slowpoke vaccine salesman.

He foolishly thought he could play the 'gotcha' game back with libby media.

The MAGA Niggers are still playing from the 2014 playbook.
"Entrap liberal to admit their hard lefty opinions" like it's a big win that proves them right.

"So So So SO, You're saying... that speech..."
Yes, that's what they're saying. They been telling you their radical opinions straight up.
You are not 'clapping back' or checkmating anyone by giving their views a platform. This is what Trump is now.

I appreciate Trump being a big fat wrecking ball, despite being a selfish consoomer retard.
It's funny when he's agreeing with you, and just downright annoying when he isn't.

I'm glad he's suing them, and I will always support those who sue lying kike companies.


Nice presiding judge, stupid.



Nothing ever happens.
I mean nothing really can happen here. It's going to be thrown out immediately. He's suing companies for violating free speech. Yeah they're evil kikes and I agree that they have too much power but there's nothing illegal about them suspending him.

It's like a textbook definition of a frivolous lawsuit.


Trump wuz robbed in November but he's looking really pathetic these days. Now he's panhandling over a dead-end lolsuit. Maybe he should have tried a little harder to get results when he actually had political power.


Trump was president while the FBI was intensely focused on entrapping his own supporters, who are now facing decades in federal prison. He's done nothing to help them; in fact he immediately threw them under the bus. He wouldn't even mention Ashli Babbitt until noticing that his crowds had shrunk.