where we at with the drug seeking behavior?


Calling all simps
my pharmacist just called and asked why i needed my seroquel refilled "early" when it's refillable in 30 days. not my fault the doctor put quantity 60

there's a chronic pain patient community on tiktok that gives the best tips for scoring drugs. tell the doctor tylenol helps but doesn't let you function at the level you need to. can't say it doesn't work
what are some of them other tips we got


The Backbone of America
When I lost my shit they put me on on crazy dose of seroquel and it was one of the worst stretches of my life. I could literally sleep for two days straight and when I did get up I couldn't do anything. Shit made me a zombie. I also cried all the time, like in front of people, which is super out of the ordinary for me. I would've killed myself if I stayed on that shit. I've just been bipolar as fuck and med free for a long time.

As for the drug seeking, the only time I go to the hospital is when I'm in a ton of pain and I always tell them not to give me any painkillers because they always make me violently sick. They think I'm a retard.

Just please take care of yourself. Abe Vigoda loves you.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
I hope you never get mentally ill. You’ll eat your words.


I'm mentally ill and every single medication I've ever been put on has made me suicidal. I'll stick to just hating myself and being quick to violence. I think I just have a brain injury more than anything.

I wasn’t talking to you but I’m sorry about your situation, but your situation isn’t applicable to everyone else. Some people’s life do improve by medication.