Where the fawk is my THING?! FAWK!

what router do you use for the link you use for remote access?

This is disguised question to ask if Draytek gear is any good to use while I'm roaming & wanna access / post from my mainframe (some of those words seem correct)
Yeah its pretty decent. A cut above the shit the ISP will send you and has all the features of high end routers.
Make sure you update the firmware, massive security flaw was found in the gui recently affecting pretty much all models.

what exactly are you trying/wanting to do?


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
At one of my jobs I lost my badge in a box of whatever food product and it was shipped out. You'd be amazed at the amount of garbage we had reported to the FDA about us. Lot of fucking Valtrex pills. Someone else lost a wrench. There's metal detectors, x-rays, and weighers on the packing line but operators turn them off because they hate having to deal with rejects, so all sorts of garbage goes out in food.