Where the fawk is my THING?! FAWK!

I have a computer ID card I use to access my job's VPN when I work from home. I used it yesterday, didn't leave my home, and today I can't fucking find it. I've turned my condo upside down, even looking in pockets of clothes and jackets I didn't wear yesterday, but no luck.

I keep my place neat and tidy too, so it's not like some Pat from Moonachie pig sty where you can easily leave stuff under other stuff. It's so frustrating I'd pay a thousand bucks just to know where it is.


you have to thoroughly check around the 5 cubic meters your laptop was surrounding...then work from there. You have to be systematic about your search. Go for a cigarette break everytime frustration/panic sets in. Check pants pockets...under piles of books etc.
what router do you use for the link you use for remote access?

This is disguised question to ask if Draytek gear is any good to use while I'm roaming & wanna access / post from my mainframe (some of those words seem correct)
I found it. It was on the mothahucking door handle. So ironically, not going out is why I didn't find it.



I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
I lost my key fob to my work truck on a 1,200 acre farm. It couldve just popped off my keyring. Just by pure luck i just so happened to check the back bumper and it was still there. (I need the key out of the fob to open the tailgate/toolboxes). I was freaking the fuck out for like 1 hr. I was 3 hes away from anyone who could’ve helped and even then, idk what they couldve even done.


Fucking Christmas eve I lost my car key and tore my house apart like 5 times all night. Eventually had to have some emergency lock Smith come at like 5pm and he charged me like double what it should be but I had no choice. Still haven't found it. Was losing my shit.i lost it like 2 mins after I parked so it made no fucking sense.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Fucking Christmas eve I lost my car key and tore my house apart like 5 times all night. Eventually had to have some emergency lock Smith come at like 5pm and he charged me like double what it should be but I had no choice. Still haven't found it. Was losing my shit.i lost it like 2 mins after I parked so it made no fucking sense.
I had an original formula Oxy80 from 2001 at my old apartment disappear 20 years ago. Never found it. Some lucky fuck is gonna be redoing the carpets or HAVC or whatever the fuck and make his fucking day. Ive lost countless Xanax all over the goddamn country too.