Where my fellow micks at?


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Bonus Irish niggerdom: My paternal ancestors came from County Tyrone.
Here's a county Tyrone for ya:


Black Irish, indeed.
Irish "people" are the perfect example of why eugenics has interested most intelligent men in history.

If you removed the most worthless 90% of the population of Ireland, you would have a worthwhile sub-species.


Dirty Bastard
I married a finian, her name was mcguire
She took ma poor flute and threw it into the fire
And as it was burning I heard a strange noise
My flute was still playing the protestant boys
La da de fuck the pope
La da de fuck the pope


I am 100% ginger irish and proud. I always go #ruizing for some corned beef and cabbage and a green road soda to honor my ancestors!