Where can I move where it is mostly whites and good paying jobs?

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
It depends on what skillsets you have in regard to the job part of your question. But eastern Europe would probably fit the bill for majority white countries where you can find high paying jobs if you have the qualifications. If you want to stay in the U.S, maybe somewhere like Montana or Wyoming? or perhaps Maine, Vermont etc.. even though Vermont is full of LIBTARDS!
Eastern Europeans are not white, they are Pre-Caucasian faggots


West Fawkin Virginia. Largest city <50,000. Some stores are pajeeted, but they are extra polite.

No trash on the side of the road and no goddamn bootlipped niggers.

You car crashed my white trash post, but then you with total sincerity suggest West Virginia, which is a white trash mecca of addicts and scumbags. Nice living up to your label, niggerposter.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
You car crashed my white trash post, but then you with total sincerity suggest West Virginia, which is a white trash mecca of addicts and scumbags. Nice living up to your label, niggerposter.
Yeah there are no niggers here, paradise.

Go on thinking everyone on the farms is a $8 and a grape soda net worth nigger like yourself.
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Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I live in Milwaukee but spend a fair amount of time just west of Kansas City. All white neighborhood, decent wages, and the few spooks there are are "the good ones." Yeah, there are pockets of undesirables here and there, but you can get a nice chunk of land about twenty minutes south of KC and even shoot guns at whatever runs across your lawn.


Yeah there are no niggers here, paradise.

Go on thinking everyone on the farms is a $8 and a grape soda net worth nigger like yourself.

How is it possible to make racial humor boring and predictable like you do? West Virginia is a shit hole and you are 100% absolutely not a farmer. White trash, redneck, backwoods junkies. All of you.



Or eastern Washington. You won't find a more racist place than the little corridor of eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, and Idaho.
Chile is pretty cool. People were super nice, a lot of good looking chicks, not too many fatties. Good food and wine. You could do a lot worse. Probably going to be a lot of jobs there in the mining industry for everyone’s car batteries.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
How is it possible to make racial humor boring and predictable like you do? West Virginia is a shit hole and you are 100% absolutely not a farmer. White trash, redneck, backwoods junkies. All of you.
OnA farms you pissant darkie.

But a WV farm or any compound-sized plot will do just fine for a three-season jernt.

Have another prison spread, nigger filth.


What the fuck is a "prison spread" you ineloquent bland white nigger?

you kicking back some olde english tonight dre? this non-sensical back and forth, it's pointless.
your posts are better when you pop in every couple of weeks and spill your heart out, now the spite is just predictable.
Remember, people want more of what they can't have. the scarcity principle.
Keep posting this useless banter and people will start seeing your avatar and skipping you like they do @EraGodless or @Harry Kilmer