When will Pat transition?



What I'm confused about is who is even pushing this shit and what's the point?
It makes sense for a powerful but unstable state to humiliate and otherwise fuck with subject populations in all sorts of ways. You can't ignore it, you get demoralized and any real organized challenge is over before it can begin. There's no solution to it, it just works. The Ottoman Empire pioneered using sexual perversion to manage recalcitrant groups and the US perfected this sort of statecraft. The US is so good at this it's even recruiting disaffected LGBTs in other countries as fifth columnists.


What I'm confused about is who is even pushing this shit and what's the point? Same with the "trans-kids" (typing that shit makes me want to take a shower) nonsense.
it’s cliche and everyone knows but it’s kikes and psuedo kikes via heads of media conglomerates and fortune 500 companies
They were pushing the same shit in weimar and then hitler came in and burned their literature and started the camps

It goes hand in hand with the roe v wade, corporate bailouts, keynsian econ, it’s all connected
It’s been the protestant capitalist merit system vs the athiest/jew socialist anti merit system since the start of industrial england
That’s why they saw trump as the antichrist he’s the embodiment of the former.
Cc @Imager for a full anthology



Remember back in like 2010 when the gay marriage supreme court thing was going on and old school republicans were called crazy because they were using the slippery slope ,”what’s next are people gonna be allowed to marry dogs?!?”

And here we are

Even the “tough” mafiosos spaghetti niggers (nagel mafia nigga) are all in wit da trans affirmation “do what you wanna do” train.
It’s really god damn embarrassing

11:00 or 41:00 or just skip around it’s all cringe
Typical estrogen level NPC sports and bathroom debate moving the goalposts

LOL, fucking John "I was a street boss" Alite. He's not even Italian, he's Albanian or something. He was friends with Gotti's son, so he was an associate at best but if you listen to some of his talks he claims he was a boss, street boss, etc. He was also a rat and now he's doing the usual "organized crime is bad" talks that guys do to make money.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
What I'm confused about is who is even pushing this shit and what's the point?
Drug companies.

There's a bunch of theories on here, and most of them have a hint of truth; but at the heart of it is that drug companies need to make a steady profit. They would much rather come up with a drug that treats something and get paid every week, than a cure that only pays out once. That's why we have treatments for AIDS but no vaccine/cure, that's why we haven't had a new antibiotic since the 1980s. That's why all of the big drug companies had to buy smaller companies to acquire their Covid vaccine technology - they weren't working on vaccines, because who wants to prevent a disease when you can just treat it instead? Pfizer bought BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson bought Janssen; and so on.

I think if you stripped patent rights from all trans drugs - which would strip almost all profit from them, as anyone could make them - trans folk would go back to being one in 200 million anomalies. Ditto "fat acceptance" - strip patent rights from insulin, blood pressure meds etc, and watch that shit disappear.
After spending billions in the last couple of decades on developing HRT for menopausal women and TRT for older men as a 'youth' drug and then finding that it fucks people up bigly, they needed to find new customers. The fact that its 'needed' for the rest of the persons life and from a young age is an added bonus.


After spending billions in the last couple of decades on developing HRT for menopausal women and TRT for older men as a 'youth' drug and then finding that it fucks people up bigly, they needed to find new customers. The fact that its 'needed' for the rest of the persons life and from a young age is an added bonus.
TRT doesn’t fuck people up. I don’t know where you’re getting your ideas from but wherever it is is retarded.


What I'm confused about is who is even pushing this shit and what's the point? Same with the "trans-kids" (typing that shit makes me want to take a shower) nonsense.

No one who isn't already a mentally damaged tranny actually believes in this shit. People are just responding to social pressure. But there aren't enough trannies to apply social pressure.

I think this is a way to push the anti-natalism agenda by sterilizing children directly. I remember that the anti-natalism shit was popular with Bernie bros and chapo-fags a few years ago, but you don't hear about it too much.
Gender reassignment surgery or whatever the fuck it's called is a huge business that makes billions of dollars mutilating people. That's the point.
The "point" of anything is money. That's why jews are behind everything, because they love money, yet people will give themselves psychosis by falling down weird conspiracy rabbitholes like, "no wait, it's because they have an anti-natalism agenda! THAT'S why they're pushing pronoun terminology on people!".


I like the Big Pharma angle, but it's a little too simple. There are ways to make money without aligning yourself with the most viscerally repulsive people in the world.

And no matter how much the tranny stuff gets pushed, it is still something that only a small handful of people end up getting sucked into. I would think they would just focus on making everyone even fatter.

The tranny agenda also seems to be getting pushed more in affluent areas, which is counter-intuitive. I would expect the Big Pharma executives to make sure that this shit gets pushed down everyone else's throats and that their own children are safe from tranny brainwashing.


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
They are already replacing their New Speak terminology.

Male-to-Female etc is problematic too though, because it enforces the stereotype that their are only 2 genders