When will Pat transition?

Glad he’s finally taking baby steps into his middle aged fat lesbian awakening.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
That's a lot of different, verbose ways to say "mentally ill".

Twitter has absolutely ruined our culture. That's all that this shit is about. Nobody believes this shit and absolutely nobody believes that a trans woman is a real woman, but they will absolutely share this shit for ass pats and cultural cache.

Pat has proven time and time again that he has way too much hate in his heart to be this supportive of anyone or anything that doesn't benefit him.
Twitter has absolutely ruined our culture.
Most of those types were contained to Tumblr before they shit the bed and everyone left. There was all kinds of goofy shit going on in there that people have forgotten about like headmates and otherkin and other nonsense. Twitter used to be about people posting mundane stuff like their dinner or that they're taking a shit. Same with Facebook, I guess. Twitter is a symptom of the evolution of social media though, not the cause of tranny worship.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Most of those types were contained to Tumblr before they shit the bed and everyone left. Twitter used to be about people posting mundane shit like their dinner or that they're taking a shit. Same with Facebook, I guess. Twitter is a symptom of the evolution of social media though, not the cause of tranny worship.
You're absolutely right. I forgot all about Tumblr - or maybe I blocked it all out. All the faggotry used to be contained there.


Twitter has absolutely ruined our culture. That's all that this shit is about. Nobody believes this shit and absolutely nobody believes that a trans woman is a real woman, but they will absolutely share this shit for ass pats and cultural cache.
Remember back in like 2010 when the gay marriage supreme court thing was going on and old school republicans were called crazy because they were using the slippery slope ,”what’s next are people gonna be allowed to marry dogs?!?”

And here we are

Even the “tough” mafiosos spaghetti niggers (nagel mafia nigga) are all in wit da trans affirmation “do what you wanna do” train.
It’s really god damn embarrassing

11:00 or 41:00 or just skip around it’s all cringe
Typical estrogen level NPC sports and bathroom debate moving the goalposts

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What I'm confused about is who is even pushing this shit and what's the point? Same with the "trans-kids" (typing that shit makes me want to take a shower) nonsense.

No one who isn't already a mentally damaged tranny actually believes in this shit. People are just responding to social pressure. But there aren't enough trannies to apply social pressure.

I think this is a way to push the anti-natalism agenda by sterilizing children directly. I remember that the anti-natalism shit was popular with Bernie bros and chapo-fags a few years ago, but you don't hear about it too much.