Christ I spent 10mins there and you are dead right mate, it's mental.
When I was about 24 I met my half brothers and sister who is 6 mths younger than me for first time...
I never gave her a hug and went 'oooh I wish we were naked'.
I could see a resemblance to me and I wanted to know about her but not what she's like to fuck.
Its a fucked up situation and how I found them was mental too but I can't fathom anything physical.
When I was a kid there was the cousins of this other kid on my estate. They were 1+2ish years older than my mate and me. Boy and girl. Anyway they would visit for a weekend or something and we'd see them a good bit.
Anyway after one summer when I was 12 and he gave us a 10 minute demonstration on French kissing and groping a girl wth his own sister, and later she told some of the girls ij the group that he fingers her and gets into her bra....
Well the family broke up, there was a housefire set on purpose by the dad who lost it, the kids got caught shagging by their parents more than once, she had to get an abortion aged 15/16 that her mother brought her to England for, knew who the daddy was, that at some family 21st birthday party or 40th they got caught sucking or fucking...from what someone I knew back then can conclude they are or were living on the continent as a couple... But that was about 8 years ago so don't know now. They grew up together but...not the same really. Maybe he was juust a sick cunt who groomed her into it but she seemed game.
Ill never forget him just sliding and slushing around in her mouth with his eyes open watching us all... Hands in her Levi 501s...
Nobody said a fucking word and it was something we rarely talked about after. Even as almost teens we were W. T. F!!!