When did you last have a good Christmas?


I spent last Christmas in the Philippines. They don't have good Christmas food and my apartment doesn't have an oven which kind of blows so we rented a venue and put on an end of year party for our farm workers and their families. Pretty tin pot by Western standards but it was nice in a spirit of giving kind of way...

you've gotta be pretty fawkin poor to be white and have shitty living standards in the 'Pines
you've gotta be pretty fawkin poor to be white and have shitty living standards in the 'Pines
I live on a different island to my wife's family so i rented a condo for December while we visited. I did spend a few weeks out there living totally off grid with only a trickle charge solar panel, a few car batteries and a bbq while I cleared some land. That was pretty grim. I didn't even have windows.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
This past year was great. I hang out with the dog all day getting drunk and watching football. We had a nice long walk during the day too. Big family gatherings suck, just stress and screaming children and passive-aggressive cunts. No thanks.

I have no family for Christmas anymore, it is what it is. We do our thing and get drunk. I donate a bunch of shit to poor kid charities to try to make their life better because it isn't their fault their mom and dad are crack heads. (Unless they're black) it makes the holidays better and it's kind of sad that a kid just needs a blanket and socks for Christmas.

Not to get all serious on a thread.