When did you last have a good Christmas?

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
What do you do to make it through the holiday? If you'll be traveling solo, I'd recommend a ski resort if you can afford it. It's not weird to ski alone, and you can get away from the Christmas decorations and music and social gatherings. You might even be able to find a loose lonely broad during après-ski, or check out the T&A at the indoor water parks that some base lodges have. Water parks are my favorite places to get up close and personal with various body parts on the water slide stairs or the lazy river. Good opportunities to strike up a conversation.
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Five Sink Gangster Cribs
It's getting worse. Family is bigger now so more scattered about and with partners and children involved it's not what it was. We used to have a solid unit of 13 or of us just getting absolutely shit faced now if we added all partners and kids that's 25 people which is unworkable.
Shit-faced @chocolatehellhole-style? Sick family, if true.
My ex had a large extended family. She grew up on a 2000 acre farm in North Dakota, and at least a dozen of her relatives still lived in that town. I miss the big Christmas gatherings there. It gets a little stale year after year with just my current wife, my kid, and my parents. My ass burger brother hardly ever shows up, and one year he stayed upstairs on Christmas morning on my wife's first visit there. That was awkward, and he was in his 30s. I felt like Phil having to deal with Alan from the movie The Hangover.
Next time you should bring a cute female friend of your wife, who is single and has a compatible age to his. Oh, and show her his photo first to be sure she's interested.
Not only he would be the first to come down, but he would be all chatty and sociable, maybe even helpful around the house, doing all he can just to impress her.


What do you do to make it through the holiday? If you'll be traveling solo, I'd recommend a ski resort if you can afford it. It's not weird to ski alone, and you can get away from the Christmas decorations and music and social gatherings. You might even be able to find a loose lonely broad during après-ski, or check out the T&A at the indoor water parks that some base lodges have. Water parks are my favorite places to get up close and personal with various body parts on the water slide stairs or the lazy river. Good opportunities to strike up a conversation.
Oh fuck, you're right, it isn't weird to ski alone. That's like the perfect solo vacation I never realized before now. Shiiiit.
I don't know how to ski though lol. I'm gonna have to do a faggy lesson first. Or go to one of those indoor ski lesson places before I travel to the snow.

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
Oh fuck, you're right, it isn't weird to ski alone. That's like the perfect solo vacation I never realized before now. Shiiiit.
I don't know how to ski though lol. I'm gonna have to do a faggy lesson first. Or go to one of those indoor ski lesson places before I travel to the snow.
A group lesson could be a good place to hook up with a broad, since you'd have something in common to talk about. Help her up when she falls, maybe cop a feel.

You could probably talk her into hitting the beginner trails with you after the lesson, since it's a rape-free zone.


The Backbone of America
Not since my parents were still together. Since then it just stresses me the fuck out to the point that I literally go crazy. I've spent Christmas Eve in the drunk tank several times like the Pogues song and showed up to my mom's with dried blood all over my face. Aside from the fact that Christmas makes me miserable and crazy, bad shit always tends to happen to me around Christmas. People dying, getting robbed, getting injured bad, relationships I actually gave a shit about ending, etc.


Go work. Get Sandwiches
Not for a long time. This was part of one of the best:
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He stinks and I don't like him
I've seen black ski clubs listed on the internet though. What a bunch of freaks. Never relax around a pack of niggers careening down the slopes.
There’s a group called “National Brotherhood of Skiers” which is exclusively black. They would cause so much hell on the slopes out west that a few resorts banned them outright in the 90’s.
Insane that you can’t take them anywhere without them fucking everything up.
Thinking about it the last one I wasn't sick, in lockdown or grandparents had COVID or we were all together was 2018. Maybe before that. Sheeet.

2020 lockdown Christmas on zoom was pretty wild. My grandparents finally working out how to use zoom but not knowing how to turn it off when they got bored of us was pretty fucking funny. Then the next Christmas they had COVID so we met them on their doorstep like we were choir singers. I'm so nostalgic for COVID