What’s the matter white boy?

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry


I saw a blonde neighbor walking her dog a few months ago and thought she was pretty attractive. Big old butt in her jogger pants, good face, nice body. I enjoyed looking at her from a distance like a creep. Then one day I saw her walking with a greasy nigger and she went from a 7.7 down to a 3. I don't even look at her any more because she disgusts me. Terrible judgment and character.


Stand Alone Fruit
I remember once hearing a group of white girls (college age) talking about how mixed babies are so pretty and how they want mixed kids just because they will look so good. That’s sadly a mindset among a lot of white girls and of course they end up single mothers.

I saw an old clip of Chris Rock the other day, real young - before SNL and he had a bit that in 8th grade for his science project he just brought in his dad. Funny stuff.


Calling all simps
i feel sorry for mixed kids if their life is anything like mine. everybody asks me what i am and talks to me in spanish.
I remember once hearing a group of white girls (college age) talking about how mixed babies are so pretty and how they want mixed kids just because they will look so good. That’s sadly a mindset among a lot of white girls and of course they end up single mothers.

I saw an old clip of Chris Rock the other day, real young - before SNL and he had a bit that in 8th grade for his science project he just brought in his dad. Funny stuff.
yeah my kids ended up on a mixed kids instagram account with thousands of likes. funny stuff. they fantasize about what their kids will look like but most end up butt ugly


Stand Alone Fruit
i feel sorry for mixed kids if their life is anything like mine. everybody asks me what i am and talks to me in spanish.

yeah my kids ended up on a mixed kids instagram account with thousands of likes. funny stuff. they fantasize about what their kids will look like but most end up butt ugly
Yeah it was really weird, like they just wanted to have a kid with a black guy because they were convinced just because it’s mixed it will be born a model. Of course if the dad is ugly it’s gonna come out goofy.


i feel sorry for mixed kids if their life is anything like mine. everybody asks me what i am and talks to me in spanish.

yeah my kids ended up on a mixed kids instagram account with thousands of likes. funny stuff. they fantasize about what their kids will look like but most end up butt ugly
How bout when someone adopts a random Spanish accent when talking to you? I've stopped people in their tracks doing that just to call them out and watch em turn red.
Give it 2-4 years and these girls will be on tinder as single mothers and their profile will tell you their kid is their WORLD.
Back when I used to do the "online dating" thing, I'd sometimes reply to "my kids are my world" posts and tell them sorry, but I'm looking for someone who'll put me way ahead of their kids, because they're just useless kids.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Mixed race mum asked if child with red hair and fair skin 'was swapped at birth' - Mirror Online

CIENCIA & RAZA - SCIENTIFIC RACE: The reality of race, interracial relationships, and mixed children

These were actually hard to find. I know some biracial kids (black/white mix) and if you look on google they're on beautiful but in reality they look more like the guy in the red shirt above. I feel bad for them every time I see them. Think about it. They won't identify as Whites, and Whites won't accept them, but neither will Blacks. So they have this identity issue that's a chip on their shoulder their whole life, like Tiger Woods. Tiger is super successful, mega wealthy and banged a bunch of women and still struggled with his identity. You think these kids have a chance?


Stand Alone Fruit
Kim Kardashian made it trendy to chase black dudes with large cocks even if they just use you as a cum dumpster. They have no idea that they arent the only white girls they are pounding. Trophy white girl for the black guys and trophy dicks as long as your forearm for the white girls. True love.
I remember when the black guys only got the gross fat white chicks. Simpler times.