Whats the deal with Elizabeth Holmes?


Yea but it all makes no sense. At a certain point she had to present the product/idea/blueprint to the investors. If it was her idea, she showed them something. Something they had vetted and other professionals deemed that something worthy of the investment.

it all makes no sense to me.
I'm sure she showed them some off the shelf medical device and then they had software to manipulate the data it displayed. She probably made all these grandiose claims about what was currently under development and they just saw dollar signs. I've been in startup companies' product demos before, and it's at least 50% trickery every time.


She wore a turtleneck and went to Stanford and had a good company name (like Tesla) and an innovative consumer product idea. Hype happened but she couldn't deliver and lied to investors. Moderna did the same thing but by a stroke of (((luck))) came out with a biomed consumer product that raped a lot of people.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
The Martin Shkreli case/large sentence really pisses me off.

With that said he really should've dropped the troll act after being charged. It's not fair, but he should of listened to his lawyers and played ball instead of antagonizing everyone involved.

I believe it's Hulu that has his new documentary out right now. The guy that made it is a total faggot, but it was still pretty good.
That Shkreli doc is the weirdest doc I’ve ever seen. The guy starts to narrate it (even has some comic book fag talk about him) like he’s a super villain. Then he pretty much just shows shkrelis a regular weirdo and not a bad person. He includes himself in the documentary and has an insane obsession with him. He moves into the same building as shkreli and his “troll” (I think? It doesn’t make sense) is that he gives him a 6 pack of beer. He basically exposes that shkreli isn’t some evil guy and that he himself is a fucking lunatic.


That Shkreli doc is the weirdest doc I’ve ever seen. The guy starts to narrate it (even has some comic book fag talk about him) like he’s a super villain. Then he pretty much just shows shkrelis a regular weirdo and not a bad person. He includes himself in the documentary and has an insane obsession with him. He moves into the same building as shkreli and his “troll” (I think? It doesn’t make sense) is that he gives him a 6 pack of beer. He basically exposes that shkreli isn’t some evil guy and that he himself is a fucking lunatic.
Exactly. It was hilarious to see how exhausted and confused he was by the end.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
That Shkreli doc is the weirdest doc I’ve ever seen. The guy starts to narrate it (even has some comic book fag talk about him) like he’s a super villain. Then he pretty much just shows shkrelis a regular weirdo and not a bad person. He includes himself in the documentary and has an insane obsession with him. He moves into the same building as shkreli and his “troll” (I think? It doesn’t make sense) is that he gives him a 6 pack of beer. He basically exposes that shkreli isn’t some evil guy and that he himself is a fucking lunatic.
He's Albanian, they are all evil


Shock Jock
She looks much better when she dresses normally instead of her corporate getup


She definitely squeals like a girl when she gets that good D