Whats the deal with Elizabeth Holmes?



I also think there's more to the story. The way the scam is spelled out, all those venture capitalists are pant shitting retards. Too stupid to be true, I think it's a cover up for something bigger and she's just a fall girl.
I agree with that to an extent, I also believe that our age of wokeness compelled investors to invest in and promote a powerful women in a medical science field.

Those loons really saw that plastic bitch as the next Steve Jobs!


Her and Martin Shkreli are interesting to me by contrast. Both were involved in the bio-med industry, but were polarizing figures. Holmes sold a product in a huge scale that she knew wouldn't and couldn't work. Schkreli got caught up in red tape with the SEC from past investments.

Holmes got 9 months for running a multi-billion dollar fraudulent company that eventually went broke after she was exposed. She got sentenced to 9 months

Martin Shkreli technically mislead investors, but made them money. He got sentenced to 7 years.
The Martin Shkreli case/large sentence really pisses me off.

With that said he really should've dropped the troll act after being charged. It's not fair, but he should of listened to his lawyers and played ball instead of antagonizing everyone involved.

I believe it's Hulu that has his new documentary out right now. The guy that made it is a total faggot, but it was still pretty good.


Shock Jock
Her and Martin Shkreli are interesting to me by contrast. Both were involved on the bio-med industry, but were polarizing figures. Holmes sold a product in a huge scale that she knew wouldn't and couldn't work. Schkreli got caught up in red tape with the SEC from past investments.

Holmes got 9 months for running a multi-billion dollar fraudulent company that eventually went broke after she was exposed. She got sentenced to 9 months

Martin Shkreli technically mislead investors, but made them money. He got sentenced to 7 years.

This is a good video of what her scheme was and why it was destined to fail

She didnt get sentenced yet


You guys severely underestimate America's 10%. They are not "woke". They are misogynists, racists and more conservative than the masses. The woke stuff is for the middle classes, college educated rubes. the 10% still have arranged marriages for their offspring and so on. They will not be 'motivated' by wokeness that they'll overlook someone's resume or work because she's a woman. That is NOT how they operate.

This is bigger, but we'll never know.

Only reason we know all the details we do about Bernie Madoff, is his main victims were from his own Kike community. Holmes' ears tell me she is as Ashkenazi as Zuckerberg...still think she's just the tip of the iceberg and a fall girl.


Still spreading the O&A virus
The board of her company was literally former senators, generals, admirals, and national security advisors. Probably every aspect of Theranos including its downfall was controlled by the CIA/Mossad. And now the kikes in Hollywood are controlling the narrative with a bunch of different movies and documentaries.


You guys severely underestimate America's 10%. They are not "woke". They are misogynists, racists and more conservative than the masses. The woke stuff is for the middle classes, college educated rubes. the 10% still have arranged marriages for their offspring and so on. They will not be 'motivated' by wokeness that they'll overlook someone's resume or work because she's a woman. That is NOT how they operate.

This is bigger, but we'll never know.

Only reason we know all the details we do about Bernie Madoff, is his main victims were from his own Kike community. Holmes' ears tell me she is as Ashkenazi as Zuckerberg...still think she's just the tip of the iceberg and a fall girl.
Well this article mentions her largest investors that got the ball rolling.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10366623/Meet-Theranos-investors-defrauded-millions.html[/URL]

Why do you think they invested so much?


Well this article mentions her largest investors that got the ball rolling.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10366623/Meet-Theranos-investors-defrauded-millions.html[/URL]

Why do you think they invested so much?
From your article:
Holmes assiduously courted Murdoch: in one anecdote from Wall Street Journal reporter John Carreyrou's book, he recounts a meeting at Murdoch's California ranch, where the media tycoon was 'surprised' by her bodyguards, while he had only one bodyguard himself.

'When he asked her why she needed it, she replied that her board insisted on it,' Carreyrou writes.

These are thugs. Mossad/CIA have fronts all over silicon valley. idk, I'm only speculating (smoking weed) but these characters love using dirt to extort people, wouldn't surprise me if they actually blackmailed ppl like Rupert Murdoch to fund raise for some brand new unknown company back in 2005. Seems like doing too much for some start-up. Like almost 'compelled' to. Elizabeth could be some Tech version of Ghislaine Maxell. Idk


I agree with that to an extent, I also believe that our age of wokeness compelled investors to invest in and promote a powerful women in a medical science field.

Those loons really saw that plastic bitch as the next Steve Jobs!
Yea but it all makes no sense. At a certain point she had to present the product/idea/blueprint to the investors. If it was her idea, she showed them something. Something they had vetted and other professionals deemed that something worthy of the investment.

it all makes no sense to me.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Yea but it all makes no sense. At a certain point she had to present the product/idea/blueprint to the investors. If it was her idea, she showed them something. Something they had vetted and other professionals deemed that something worthy of the investment.

it all makes no sense to me.
She's a dirty kike - does it make sense now?


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Well this article mentions her largest investors that got the ball rolling.

Why do you think they invested so much?

In related articles



Her and Martin Shkreli are interesting to me by contrast. Both were involved in the bio-med industry, but were polarizing figures. Holmes sold a product on a huge scale that she knew wouldn't and couldn't work. Schkreli got caught up in red tape with the SEC from past investments.

Holmes got 9 months for running a multi-billion dollar fraudulent company that eventually went broke after she was exposed. She got sentenced to 9 months
Edit: she didnt get sentenced yet, it's a 9 month delay between conviction and sentencing

Martin Shkreli technically mislead investors, but made them money. He got sentenced to 7 years.

This is a good video of what her scheme was and why it was destined to fail
This. She literally stole billions of dollars and got a slap on the wrist. Shkreli did a technically illegal but completely victimless thing that amounts to false advertising and got 7 years. Moral of the story is don't become a media pariah


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
This. She literally stole billions of dollars and got a slap on the wrist. Shkreli did a technically illegal but completely victimless thing that amounts to false advertising and got 7 years. Moral of the story is don't become a media pariah
Moral of the story is be a kike and there are no consequences for ripping off the goyim, child. I'm sorry you're so philosemitic.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I’ve only watched a few short videos about her and still don’t understand what happened. So apparently she had a 9 billion dollar company that was a scam. It had to do with healthcare though, how does that happen? Did people just blindly assume she knew what she was doing without looking into it for years? Im fawkin confused
No one looked into her because she was a hot ceo. She rode her pussy pass as far as she could