What’s the closest you’ve ever come to going to prison?

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
I used to sell 2C-B that I made in my garage on Silk Road. I had a whole system for how I mailed the shit out. In order to set up shop I ordered a couple kilos of precursor from China and had some faggots from a drug website go in on the purchase, to get my cost down.

One day a year or so into the operation, it comes out that one of the dudes who went in on my initial precursor group buy was some kind of fed, he got doxed by some other drug faggot. Within a week of this happening about 15 separate shipments of mine all came up with some tracking message about “items at USPS lost mail center for claiming” or some shit - which due to the way I packed everything, there’s literally no possible way the packages became lost or undeliverable. I had insane levels of redundancy to prevent that.

I went into major damage control mode and cleaned house and went MIA online. Of course I was addicted to heroin at the time so I went back to selling 6 months later, but I’ve always wondered how close I came to having my door kicked down.

Realistically I was probably in greater danger of going to prison when I would drive around smoking meth in my car, but that would have just been possession.


I went into major damage control mode and cleaned house and went MIA online. Of course I was addicted to heroin at the time so I went back to selling 6 months later, but I’ve always wondered how close I came to having my door kicked down.

Probably not close. Feds have their hands full trying to catch and prosecute vendors who sell shit like opiates, coke, and meth on DNMs. I think they figure in most cases seizing packages or sending a love letter will freak the person out enough to get them to stop.


I used to sell 2C-B that I made in my garage on Silk Road. I had a whole system for how I mailed the shit out. In order to set up shop I ordered a couple kilos of precursor from China and had some faggots from a drug website go in on the purchase, to get my cost down.

One day a year or so into the operation, it comes out that one of the dudes who went in on my initial precursor group buy was some kind of fed, he got doxed by some other drug faggot. Within a week of this happening about 15 separate shipments of mine all came up with some tracking message about “items at USPS lost mail center for claiming” or some shit - which due to the way I packed everything, there’s literally no possible way the packages became lost or undeliverable. I had insane levels of redundancy to prevent that.

I went into major damage control mode and cleaned house and went MIA online. Of course I was addicted to heroin at the time so I went back to selling 6 months later, but I’ve always wondered how close I came to having my door kicked down.

Realistically I was probably in greater danger of going to prison when I would drive around smoking meth in my car, but that would have just been possession.
One of my wife’s friends did 2 years for selling shit on Silk Road. And her fiancé got 5. They fucked up by mailing the shit themselves at the post office or UPS store. Retards. They were both doctors who could have made $200k a year for 30 years if they wanted. Now she’s a barista. I don’t know what happened to the other one.
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Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
One of my wife’s friends did 5 years for selling shit on Silk Road. And her fiancé is doing 20 right now. They fucked up by mailing the shit themselves at the post office or UPS store. Retards. The one who got 5 years was a doctor. Now she’s a barista.
I would have killed myself. Not to dox myself but i was in a very similar position to your friend, it was an incredibly stupid risk:reward ratio. In retrospect I realize I was doing it at least 50% for the rush and fun, not the profit. What was she selling?

I mailed the shit myself but I prelabeled and paid for everything ahead of time with stamps I bought in CASH, then I would drop them off in outside drop boxes in bigger cities a half hour plus away from my house. You had to use a return address from that area too in order to make it less suspicious.


I would have killed myself. Not to dox myself but i was in a very similar position to your friend, it was an incredibly stupid risk:reward ratio. In retrospect I realize I was doing it at least 50% for the rush and fun, not the profit. What was she selling?

I mailed the shit myself but I prelabeled and paid for everything ahead of time with stamps I bought in CASH, then I would drop them off in outside drop boxes in bigger cities a half hour plus away from my house. You had to use a return address from that area too in order to make it less suspicious.
I got the times wrong, it was 2.5 years and 5 years i think. They faced 20 but I guess they were lenient since it was women and their careers were ruined.

Yeah they were dumb, they mailed it in person in the store without knowing that they take your picture when you use the machines there. And they used their real names and emails on bitcoin accounts and shit, like you would expect dumb women to do.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
I would have killed myself. Not to dox myself but i was in a very similar position to your friend, it was an incredibly stupid risk:reward ratio. In retrospect I realize I was doing it at least 50% for the rush and fun, not the profit. What was she selling?

I mailed the shit myself but I prelabeled and paid for everything ahead of time with stamps I bought in CASH, then I would drop them off in outside drop boxes in bigger cities a half hour plus away from my house. You had to use a return address from that area too in order to make it less suspicious.
When i got off dope i found myself longing for the craziness. I missed the rush and ritual of being sick, scoring some and then using it almost more than the effects of heroin itself. Same with selling drugs. Alot of the time it wasnt even worth the risk but id do it anyways for the rush, subconscious or not. Fucking retarded looking back on it.


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
When I was maybe 10, my aunt told my dad her husband was beating her, stealing her money and abusing her service dog (she's blind)
We drove a few hours to pick up my uncle. We drove a few hours to my aunt's house. They beat the shit out of him. Tied him to a chair and beat him more. Held a revolver to his head and laughed. Told him they were going to kill him. Put him in the trunk of our Buick, and drove him into the country. My uncle and dad assured me that it was a ruse, and it was. They left him several miles out of town, after another beating, and went back to my aunt's to change her locks. I got pancakes and a firm warning to not tell my mom. Even though I sometimes hate women, this is how I learned to never hit them.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
When I was maybe 10, my aunt told my dad her husband was beating her, stealing her money and abusing her service dog (she's blind)
We drove a few hours to pick up my uncle. We drove a few hours to my aunt's house. They beat the shit out of him. Tied him to a chair and beat him more. Held a revolver to his head and laughed. Told him they were going to kill him. Put him in the trunk of our Buick, and drove him into the country. My uncle and dad assured me that it was a ruse, and it was. They left him several miles out of town, after another beating, and went back to my aunt's to change her locks. I got pancakes and a firm warning to not tell my mom. Even though I sometimes hate women, this is how I learned to never hit them.


Human garbage
I've had a couple of Jamesons so I'll share my story.I used to freebase coke with my mom and gay brother. Robbed a convenience store and got caught. Judge gave me a choice - go to prison or join the army. I picked the army and am now a proud United States military veteran, father of four, and successful musical entrepreneur. Don't be jealous, LIBTARD. 😎😎😎