What's actually the deal with all these girls becoming boys?



Because despite what a lot of modern sissies say, being a man fucking rules and naturally these girls are jealous and want in. They may end up regretting the knife, sure, but I enjoy being a man every day and can sympathize with anyone who wants in on the fun.

Someone find that old Reddit post about a FtM regretting transition because they just turned themselves into a manlet, which is a fate worse than death. That shit brought the loffs.
Is that the same one where they complain that they're invisible as a man? That's one of the perks and these broads don't get it.
It's almost universally psychotic mothers. Women have this primordial instinct to want to castrate men.

These little boys just want attention from their single mothers. When mommy takes interest in putting them in dresses, they respond with happiness since they're actually being noticed.

Trans kids are the new gucci bag for these cunts.
I feel like trans is the new “autism,” all these mothers were so eager to proclaim their hyper, socially awkward kid was autistic. This is the new that. It should be criminally negligent to allow a kid to transition. Can’t feed a kid a beer until they’re 21, but can chop their tits and cocks off, medically castrate them and that’s fine and dandy.
I also feel like there are parents out there who wanted a girl or boy and didn’t get that but now can just make one with the help of the medical mad scientists. If the Jews are behind this, I’ll be happy to fire up the ovens.