Orange Man is bad. So is Brown Whore. They're both kike-fellating retards and posting words words words defending either is retarded. The only reason Trump is better is that he'll tweet funny things and bring gas prices down while he sells us out. If we're really lucky he'll kick out a few pajeets.
Kvetching and angily defending Daddy Don's honor to literal females on the forms is nigger behavior. A White man would know better.
Now post wrist and sonnenrad, darkie.
It's not Missy, it's Boq, and no, he doesn't.
Thought my posts were TLDR.. hmm..
How does a president single handedly control gasoline prices, retard? Nice antiquated software/platform references from before btw.
I like Trump in general. I don’t feel like a nigger or fag for admitting that. He’s owned by kikes too. I’ve known that for over seven years. I guess you’ve known it for 30 or since you were 3 or something. Congrats. I don’t like everything about Trump but when some asshole starts trashing him in a full, political post where it doesn’t even belong on this side of the forum, I can trash back if i want. I voted for him mainly just to incense the niggers and libtards, and it worked, because I hate them whether they’re symptomatic of kike ownership or not.
One balled, tiny dicked Hitler is dead. I don’t care about that methed out asshole who never even produced Aryan offspring himself (probably couldn’t) no more than I care about closet fag midget Fuentes or Shitskin Crusader. That’s all Nazi larper assholes have to offer. Who is more relevant? Geriatrics like Duke or Taylor?
Trash MAGA for having some spics, niggs, and Christian fundamentalist retards in it, but in spite of its flaws, it demonstrated on a mass level that the white working class still exists and won an election.
What did impotent Nazi larper assholes like lipless Jon Midadeo from GoyimTV do? Get arrested again for littering? Call each other Feds?
Way to save your race, stupid.
Half of these Nazi larper assholes being smushed under a road roller would make me laugh as much as niggers, sandniggers, communist antifa fags, and kikes being flattened by it too, and I expressed that in the tele group from the beginning.
Race is necessitated to prioritize but ideology matters too and delusional, Christfag Nazi larper assholes would just build miserable, repressive societies, whilst worshipping a dead, cucked kike who never existed and who they delusionally believe was Aryan. Lol.