What is the best GTA game?



Don't bring nostalgia into it faggots. I love Vice City as much as the next goy but is it really better than GTA V?


GTAV is not a good game. Popular for sure, but it's shit. GTAIV is probably the overall superior GTA game.

I'd still rate VC and SA almost equally as good but they're a bit too dated. III is still good too. I & II are fun but not in the same league for obvious reasons. Never played any of the other stuff like Chinatown.


GTAV is not a good game. Popular for sure, but it's shit. GTAIV is probably the overall superior GTA game.

I'd still rate VC and SA almost equally as good but they're a bit too dated. III is still good too. I & II are fun but not in the same league for obvious reasons. Never played any of the other stuff like Chinatown.
Why is IV better than V?

Reason I ask is I'm in a GTA mood but not sure what to waste 100+ hours on.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
The Ballad of Gay Tony.



Nighs Wonger, Stupid
Just play GTA Online, it's annoying when you're a noob but once you figure out the economy you can basically buy whatever you want.

IV sucks, the location feels empty. Miami and Los Angeles are sunny and spread out, NYC is just a bunch of retarded skyscrapers you can't enter.


Why is IV better than V?
The driving dynamics were dumbed way down. In a game that's primarily designed around driving it's really stupid to do that. I understand that 90% of people don't notice or care but I couldn't stand it.

When you go "fast" the cars aren't really travelling at speed, the programmers just kinda shake the screen a little bit. If you look to the side when driving at top speed you notice you're not really going fast at all.

The cars all handle the same. They pivot through the center rather than feeling like the front wheels are turning. I haven't played it in years now but it's weird and jarring after GTAIV was given a much more realistic feel. At the same time they're really detailed looking but boring. In III, VC and SA you had fun. IV was a bit more serious. V just feels like a shitty generic driving game.

Crash damage was dialed way back too. I guess there's a reason but when you slam into other cars it has very little impact. In GTAIV you could fuck a car up quickly so you were rewarded for driving better. I think it's part of the whole idea that people only want to be entertained by a game now rather than actually play it.

Video games passed me by a lil bit. Lil bit. sniff
Don't bring nostalgia into it faggots. I love Vice City as much as the next goy but is it really better than GTA V?
Then what's the point of the thread, faggot? "Don't go saying technologically less advanced games are better than the newer, more expansive ones!"

The the right answer is always "the newest one", then.
Which one was the one that got Danny fired? That was my favorite.
Really? Dumbass. Really? 2

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
San Andreas is my favorite, I think it has the best arcade driving physics and probably the best story though none of the GTAs have good stories.
IV has the best driving as far as the mechanics being hardest to master, but most rewarding once you do. All the cars felt different and had their tricks to use most effectively. Best atmosphere, though it's all kinda dismal and not as memorable as GTAIII's Liberty City let alone VC or SA.
V has the best gunplay, and going to car meets in Online and waiting for some asshole to ruin everything is pretty fun. Shit story, just a series of wacky hijinks and the cliche ending. Decent driving, though as stated above the cars aren't as differentiated as they should be.