What is it with him and corn?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.


bury the dead, they stink up the joint
Not even his idea. I had to google Firesprites and its a video game refernce from Destiny 2 (?). “They are the spiritual successors to Elemental Wells for Solar builds” apparently. Idk. He’s unoriginal as fuck.
He read the word firesprites somewhere, forgot about it, woke up still drunk, remembered the word and thought he had invented something.

Момент Силышенко

The Butcher of Slutsk
It has a couple of different meanings, but yeah, tubby spelled it wrong.
Does anyone use it that way (any more)? When I searched for "were vexed", it was always subject (his ripoff cartoon characters) vexed by object (the universe), pig is using some secondary meaning that seems to reverse subject and object? eg. Pigger was vexed by cops means patrick was annoyed at the cops, but also maybe the cops were discussing/debating about Pigger? What a country!