What candle should I buy an alcoholic with piss yellow teeth?

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
The thought of masking the smell of cat piss with a whiskey and tobacco scented candle next to his TV is making me dry heave.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
WHO the FUCK needs a $25 candle? Ever, for any reason?

Ah, what do I know? I'm just a knock around guy. I drink my container a coffee, I finish the job and I go home.
Cheap candles leave soot on your walls and in your lungs, make your eyes burn. And $25 is cheap. Hope your wife never discovers the $700 Cire Trudon candles or the $1500 Dior ones.


Cheap candles leave soot on your walls and in your lungs, make your eyes burn. And $25 is cheap. Hope your wife never discovers the $700 Cire Trudon candles or the $1500 Dior ones.

Wha's some o' them other candles we got?

