We’re any of us in attendance at this Duke volleyball game? Player got called a nigger


Stand Alone Fruit
Because that's what she was!

But honestly, sounds like fake news to me. This isn't the fucking 50's anymore where people just scream nigger in crowded places like it is socially acceptable without any repercussions. There would have public outrage and probably some form of news coverage if this really happened.
Exactly, they want everyone to think we’re in the south and still spraying black people with firehoses. It’s 2022 and if any white person yelled that all the fragile white people around them would be screaming about it online they actually finally saw a “hate crime” of a whiff man calling a black person a nigger, with the hard R at the end. Especially when everyone has a cell phone.



[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/27/sports/duke-volleyball-racial-slur.html[/URL]

Wow they moved the entire game just because one person was yelling. Even after they ID’d the person and kicked them out.

Whiney faggots. I hate Duke.
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I'm so tired of fucking racists


This guy's a real jerk
This made my morning. Thank you, sir.