Went into the Starbucks to get a cawwwfeee


Human garbage
i'm a "something"....i ain't a part of the Cabal that is force feeding all this stuff to mainstream American in a attempt to slowly break up the traditional, American family (credit: /pol)

it's just a boring thing to STILL get annoyed about
I decide whether getting annoyed with pronouns is boring or not, child.


Shock Jock
Starbucks always was a platform, catalyst and magnifier for libtard trends....when tattoos became trendy, they made sure to only hire tat'd up baristas. Now that the tat battle's won and everyone's psyoped they just use street shitters like everyone else.
There’s a Starbucks in Coronado thats all support the troops ‘murica themed. They just pander to whatever local area they’re in. Its why I believe that as soon as corporations deem faggotry to be no longer a good business move, it will disappear faster than it started