Weed Vs Alcohol

Weed Vs Alcohol

  • Weed

  • Alcohol

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Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Since it legalized in CA I much prefer weed. Can use edibles without my kids asking me about smoke and at least I'm not a bloated Patrick the next day. I do end up having to drink a lot anyway since so many people in my business drink like alcoholics and I noticed I'm now at a point where I will just drink until it's time to sleep so... Definitely weed.
I make regrettable choices when I'm drinking. Driving, flirting, fighting, stealing, Asian massage parlor visits at 1am.

At least I can say I've ever let a strange guy in an alley blow me high on weed.


Mel BJ quote fulfillster
All in wit da pot tawk, I do like a 3 or 4 beer buzz, but hangovers and puking are what made me vote weed. If I do a drawing I'll smoke and listen to the same song for an hour, it's pfg.


Me rn



Since it legalized in CA I much prefer weed. Can use edibles without my kids asking me about smoke and at least I'm not a bloated Patrick the next day. I do end up having to drink a lot anyway since so many people in my business drink like alcoholics and I noticed I'm now at a point where I will just drink until it's time to sleep so... Definitely weed.


I don't have to interpret my fawking tone for you, Mickey