We should start a survivor themed gameshow to find our next professional broadcaster

All the contestants will start on equal footing, but each week there will be multiple challenges. At the end of the week, the contestant deemed to have done the worse out of everyone is ejected from the pool and has to go on JDA's stream until the final vote.

Contests will include:

-argue the craft of podcasting

-say something when your co-host mutes himself

- who can call kiwi members hypocritical the best

-deep cuts on 90s rock

- draw Patrick (judged by Ethan sciver)

- steer boomia to stay on the same topic for 10 minutes

- best reactions from questioning bobo

- douche or dressing

- best mock announcement of someone's death

The final winner will be given their very own podcast equipment and a studio in the city. (At their own expense)


Runner, Unlike Fatrick
First challenge: bam's kids favorite food is crab legs but she can't afford to get them as often as they would like. What are you gonna do about it?
Do what i usually do…talk to the fat lady running the seafood counter and “accidentally” show off my abs and base of my cock til she marks five pounds of it down to a penny. Flooded basement = fed Carol and Bamlets (not fed Nana…,sorry bout the O&A reference).

How do you think I ate healthy enough food in grad school? I was poor as fuck.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Do what i usually do…talk to the fat lady running the seafood counter and “accidentally” show off my abs and base of my cock til she marks five pounds of it down to a penny. Flooded basement = fed Carol and Bamlets (not fed Nana…,sorry bout the O&A reference).

How do you think I ate healthy enough food in grad school? I was poor as fuck.

I just figured you sold yourself.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, we're all whores. I mean, I DID sing with The Scorpions once.


All the contestants will start on equal footing, but each week there will be multiple challenges. At the end of the week, the contestant deemed to have done the worse out of everyone is ejected from the pool and has to go on JDA's stream until the final vote.

Contests will include:

-argue the craft of podcasting

-say something when your co-host mutes himself

- who can call kiwi members hypocritical the best

-deep cuts on 90s rock

- draw Patrick (judged by Ethan sciver)

- steer boomia to stay on the same topic for 10 minutes

- best reactions from questioning bobo

- douche or dressing

- best mock announcement of someone's death

The final winner will be given their very own podcast equipment and a studio in the city. (At their own expense)
Rather than steer me, stay outta my way when I'm telling a story lol, I'm old you throw in a tangent I forget where I am. I need Biden level help.


Shock Jock