WAWW Sam Hyde trying to worm his way into the mainstream stand-up scene?


Boq sucks coq
It's very disgusting to see him weasily sucking up to hacks like Sam Talent, Tony Hinchcliffe, and Shane Gillis, guys who he would've trashed 5 years ago. He was copy striking footage of his stand up act everywhere it popped up, even the Internet archive. The set was literally just him doing crowd work but in a down syndrome retard voice, painfully cringe.

Hopefully it's all just an elaborate ruse to get on JRE.


It's very disgusting to see him weasily sucking up to hacks like Sam Talent, Tony Hinchcliffe, and Shane Gillis, guys who he would've trashed 5 years ago. He was copy striking footage of his stand up act everywhere it popped up, even the Internet archive. The set was literally just him doing crowd work but in a down syndrome retard voice, painfully cringe.

Hopefully it's all just an elaborate ruse to get on JRE.
ive felt the same since he did the boxing thing. havent seriously watched his shit in like 2-3 years
Hyde has long since peaked. He was really funny like 15 years ago and World Peace was ok if overrated, but ever since he's been doing the "Life Advice Guru" shit he's been annoying me. Maybe there's still hope for him, but I don't know. 4chan has been seething about "Shane Gillis being welcome back by (((them))) while Based Hyde keeps being blacklisted!", but Sam Hyde hasn't done anything I've particularly given a shit about in years.
So basically the arc of Sam is that he was famous for going to NYC and leading a chant of "heebs will not divide us" after that cringe (((shia labeouf))) "He will not divide us" chant when Trump got elected. It was very funny. He was openly aligned with the Alt Right/TRS crowd.

He got a network deal with 2 of his good buddies and the show was OK/borderline good. during this time he also gave $10k to the legal fund for The Daily Stormer (straight up unironic Nazi/federal informant site ran by an antisemitic Jew named Weev and a cringe midget named Andrew Anglin). When questioned by a Jewish journalist, Sam responded something like "lol are you Jewish?" Very based.

This was around the time that Bitcoin exploded. Sam was very smart and literally maxxed out his credit cards on Bitcoin. Obviously, it worked and he made a few million dollars. Unfortunately a faggot who worked for the same network as Sam pushed for Sam to be cancelled for kike hate, and Sam was indeed cancelled.

His two co-stars fell into obscurity but Sam kept making independent content, which was easier for him since he was now a bitcoin millionaire. One co-star Charls became a bitter pseudo intellectual, blamed Sam for ruining his life via antisemitism, had to get a real job for a while etc(he's back into the fold now and dropped the tortured artist bit). The other co-star Nick was very talented in real estate/home reconstruction and did very well selling cars, married a rich girl and got upper middle class/rich on his own (he's also back into the fold now, but has made serious money on Youtube Superchats by doing real estate advice streams).

They're all rich and happy now. The content is mostly life advice for lost teenagers/is bad, but they are loaded. Sam is now chatting with Shane Gillis and others who are mainstream but at one time or another flirted with the JQ/dissident right politics.

Troy Maclure

So easily forgotten…
So basically the arc of Sam is that he was famous for going to NYC and leading a chant of "heebs will not divide us" after that cringe (((shia labeouf))) "He will not divide us" chant when Trump got elected. It was very funny. He was openly aligned with the Alt Right/TRS crowd.

He got a network deal with 2 of his good buddies and the show was OK/borderline good. during this time he also gave $10k to the legal fund for The Daily Stormer (straight up unironic Nazi/federal informant site ran by an antisemitic Jew named Weev and a cringe midget named Andrew Anglin). When questioned by a Jewish journalist, Sam responded something like "lol are you Jewish?" Very based.

This was around the time that Bitcoin exploded. Sam was very smart and literally maxxed out his credit cards on Bitcoin. Obviously, it worked and he made a few million dollars. Unfortunately a faggot who worked for the same network as Sam pushed for Sam to be cancelled for kike hate, and Sam was indeed cancelled.

His two co-stars fell into obscurity but Sam kept making independent content, which was easier for him since he was now a bitcoin millionaire. One co-star Charls became a bitter pseudo intellectual, blamed Sam for ruining his life via antisemitism, had to get a real job for a while etc(he's back into the fold now and dropped the tortured artist bit). The other co-star Nick was very talented in real estate/home reconstruction and did very well selling cars, married a rich girl and got upper middle class/rich on his own (he's also back into the fold now, but has made serious money on Youtube Superchats by doing real estate advice streams).

They're all rich and happy now. The content is mostly life advice for lost teenagers/is bad, but they are loaded. Sam is now chatting with Shane Gillis and others who are mainstream but at one time or another flirted with the JQ/dissident right politics.
Ok, terrific