Watched Top Gun: Maverick (2022)


I havent been to a theater in about 3 years. Not that I dont enjoy going to the movies, its just been that long since somethings made me want to go. Im all in with buttery popcorn and a large coke
It must be about half a dozen years or more since I went. Even seeing mediocre movies can be good. I could handle the shitty prices, but it was other people ruining the experience that finally made me give up.


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
First time I've been to a theater since 1917 (the WWI film)
Had a great time. Solid script, lotta action, lotta laughs.
Also, wouldn't mind sliding into Phoenix's cockpit, AMIRITE FELLAS?!



yep yep yep yep yep
probably the best movie in this decade

press f for iceman right gang

they shouldve cut every scene with that dumb fat nergo tho, annyoing shit

download the korean sub 5gb rip its the real deal
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Does 60 year old Tom Cruise take his shirt off and play some volleyball with the boys?
Touch football but yeah. And to give him his dues he's practically in the same shape as the gym bros in their 20s he's playing with, even though he's sucking in his gut.

Really fun movie. Pretty forgettable tbh but an entertainment roller-coaster that deserves to be seen on the big screen. I can't imagine it being the same watching at home. Way better than the first movie.


yep yep yep yep yep
Touch football but yeah. And to give him his dues he's practically in the same shape as the gym bros in their 20s he's playing with, even though he's sucking in his gut.

Really fun movie. Pretty forgettable tbh but an entertainment roller-coaster that deserves to be seen on the big screen. I can't imagine it being the same watching at home. Way better than the first movie.
the scene is like 5 minutes long and they showed 10 second of his guts. probably pretty good for a baby foreskin eater like him but its not as good as iceman jr.


Should I watch this without even having seen the first one?
There are some references to the first movie that will go over your head if you haven't seen it and they're pretty central to the plot. I think the action scenes will work no matter what but if you haven't seen the first movie there could be some shit that might not make much sense.


yep yep yep yep yep
There are some references to the first movie that will go over your head if you haven't seen it and they're pretty central to the plot. I think the action scenes will work no matter what but if you haven't seen the first movie there could be some shit that might not make much sense.
i been trying to figure who the hag was, turn out its an original character and her daughter watch em fuck or something


i been trying to figure who the hag was, turn out its an original character and her daughter watch em fuck or something
"Penny Benjamin" is mentioned in the first movie as an admiral's daughter whose heart got broken by Maverick.

Obviously they couldn't get Kelly McGillis back because she looks like what she is - a 60 year old lesbian. She would make Cruise look like the weird one, like "I've aged normally, why haven't you?" So they had to get Connelly on board and come up with a tenuous back story.

Cruise is a great actor and maybe the last real movie star but he never convinces with women in love scenes. Maybe he is gay like the rumours say but I think it's equally likely that he's just some weird super-narcissistic asexual who gets off in front of the mirror or something.


How could any red-blooded American NOT see the first one? Ugh! Pull a Clark Griswald on your way through the Arizona desert, please.
The sequel (especially) did what superior pro-American Hollywood propaganda (rare these days) does best. By the end of the movie I wanted to stand up in the cinema, pump my fist in the air and yell "USA, USA, FUCK YEAH!" And I'm not even American.