Watched Top Gun: Maverick (2022)


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
It was pretty fucking good. I'd put it up there with sequels that are better than the first. Had the feel of an old school blockbuster and it's mostly practical effects. All the aerial combat stuff was really cool. Also it's nice to see a blockbuster that doesn't have any PC woke shit in it either.

On a side note, indians should not be allowed in movie theaters. A group of drunken street shitters a few rows down wouldn't shut the fuck up.


I might go to the big screen for this. Haven't been to a theater in years but this might be the one.

I also said that about going to The Batman in honor of Fez but didn't.


Lol "why didn't they ask me back for the sequel?"



Big Time
Does it follow the usual Tom Cruise horseshit movie formula where the main character is the best at what he does, then loses all confidence and has to gain it back? Like in the original "Top Gun"? Or "Cocktail"? Or "Days Of Thunder"?
I might go to the big screen for this. Haven't been to a theater in years but this might be the one.

I also said that about going to The Batman in honor of Fez but didn't.

I havent been to a theater in about 3 years. Not that I dont enjoy going to the movies, its just been that long since somethings made me want to go. Im all in with buttery popcorn and a large coke