Watched To Live and Die in L.A. (1985)


Still spreading the O&A virus
Apparently, the whole process was pretty accurate for the time. They got a real forger to replicate a lot of the steps on film and ended up with a final product that was almost indistinguishable from real money.
The guy who wrote the book that the film was based on was a Fed whose job was to track down counterfeit currency. So a lot of the movie is actually very accurate. This movie is similar to like Manhunter or even The Wire in terms of how detailed into the investigation it goes into compared to most other cop films.

New Name

Peace and love ❤️
Just watched it for first time and I'm thrilled by how good it is. Ordered the 4k uhd version that has a bunch of special features to rewatch with my dad

@CuntFucker . is spot on with the GTA influencing I recognized a ton of stuff that they straight copied for gtaV. Haven't played it for 7 or 8 years but immediately recognized stuff like it was yesterday

Love watching old Rockford Files and Colombo to see old Los Angeles but this movie nails the feeling of it so well

Hell of a drug.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
It kind of ruled. Wish the soundtrack didn't blow so much. You can tell it's one of the movies that influences the GTA series.
Movie rules. All of that dudes early work rules pretty hard. It has kind of a dated feel to it I can’t put my hands on what exactly is. But it’s great nonetheless. Cruising is fucking great especially if you pretend it’s in the same setting as the exorcist and the gay community is possessed by the devil.

CuntFucker .

Ben Bowder look-alike
Movie rules. All of that dudes early work rules pretty hard. It has kind of a dated feel to it I can’t put my hands on what exactly is. But it’s great nonetheless. Cruising is fucking great especially if you pretend it’s in the same setting as the exorcist and the gay community is possessed by the devil.
Did you ever watch Killer Joe (2013)? Going by the title, you'd expect a shit movie, but it rules. Typical transgressive Friedkin stuff.
On the DVD commentary, the guy who played the partner to the main cop says that every year or so, a guy comes up to him and says he's retired law enforcement. The retired cop then compliments his work in the scene where he's in the back seat of the car freaking out while his partner is driving.

Apparently every undercover cop has a moment where he is convinced his cover is blown and he's trying to psychologically accept his upcoming murder and he's freaking the fuck out just like the guy in the movie. And then the moment passes and you're back to playing your role. But Petevich (the writer) Friedkin and the actor portrayed that moment so well lots of cops still recognize the B List actor whose name I can't remember.


Stand Alone Fruit
I've never heard of the movie but seeing as it inspired GTA makes me wanna see it. Plus that counterfeit scene was pretty cool.

I'll watch it tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for bumping a post from almost a year ago.
It’s a good one, same guy from Manhunter playing the cop. They said the fake money made in the movie was mostly confiscated but some bills did end up in circulation and eventually traced back to this movie. Also a lot of ex cons / detectives / etc were used as technical consultants to make it as accurate at possible.

William Peterson (from Manhunter) said playing a serious cop on edge in this and Manhunter so close together really messed him up mentally.

CuntFucker .

Ben Bowder look-alike
It’s a good one, same guy from Manhunter playing the cop. They said the fake money made in the movie was mostly confiscated but some bills did end up in circulation and eventually traced back to this movie. Also a lot of ex cons / detectives / etc were used as technical consultants to make it as accurate at possible.

William Peterson (from Manhunter) said playing a serious cop on edge in this and Manhunter so close together really messed him up mentally.
William Peterson sounds like a fag.