Watched Clerks III (2022)

Saw it yesterday. It was bad...real bad...but the big twist in act three was totally unexpected and actually quite good, by Kevin Smith standards. The thing with Kev is that ever since he started with the weed, his films just look like total garbage, like he forgot everything he knew about the actual filming. But again, the big twist was kind of shocking and way out of character for him, and IMO made the whole thing worth watching.
I vowed never to waste 90 minutes of my life on any Kevin Smith bullshit again once it became clear he lost all respect for himself and his audience. This piqued my interest, so I read the Wikipedia entry for the movie. I won't be a dick and spoil it, but if the "twist" is what I think it is, big fucking whoop. He was going to do that in the first movie.
I vowed never to waste 90 minutes of my life on any Kevin Smith bullshit again once it became clear he lost all respect for himself and his audience. This piqued my interest, so I read the Wikipedia entry for the movie. I won't be a dick and spoil it, but if the "twist" is what I think it is, big fucking whoop. He was going to do that in the first movie.
I was expecting something else, so I was pleasantly surprised. But I wouldn't call it a "good movie", by any means. The music he used stood out as being especially horrible, too. And the Elias character, I don't know why he thinks that's funny, but it really wasn't.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Clerks 2 was absolute dogshit. I watched it recently again, thinking it might have improved with time. It got worse with time. Kevin Smith can't write dialogue for shit. Dante is a boring character. I'll probably watch Clerks 3 though so I can have something to hate.
If you want something to hate just watch Reboot
Clerks 2 was absolute dogshit. I watched it recently again, thinking it might have improved with time. It got worse with time. Kevin Smith can't write dialogue for shit. Dante is a boring character. I'll probably watch Clerks 3 though so I can have something to hate.
LOL if you hated "Clerks 2" you'll definitely hate the third one, absolutely no doubt. While I didn't especially hate "Clerks 2", I didn't really like it either, as it was a bad, bad movie. Kev has deteriorated greatly as a filmmaker since then. "3" amused me a bit at times, which makes it infinitely better than "Yoga Hosers" or that "Reboot" debacle, which is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I made it to the end, which means something by Kevin Smith standards.