Watched Clerks III (2022)


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I’ll catch this weekend if I have time as I’m laying off the blow but that fat cuck has burned me 3 times with his dogshit movies. Even if the last Jay & Silent Bob was just mediocre.
Way better than anything he's done recently, in particular the god awful Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. I'm not saying it's great or anything, but you can tell Smith put a lot more heart and effort into this than anything else he's done recently. The meta stuff work better than I expected it to and it had a lot more drama in it too compared to other Clerks movies.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I'll give the blubbering stoner one more chance, for nostalgia's sake. But "Reboot" was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, on a level that was almost difficult to believe, so I'm skeptical.
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot is so fucking bad it makes me angry. I actually think the first 20 minutes are alright, but once Smith forces his daughter in the movie just fucking drags and it becomes Kevin Smith going "look how great being a dad as made me" and the ending is so fucking stupid. Thankfully his daughter is in Clerks III for less than 30 seconds.
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Jay and Silent Bob Reboot is so fucking bad it makes me angry. I actually think the first 20 minutes are alright, but once Smith forces his daughter in the movie just fucking drags and it becomes Kevin Smith going "look how great being a dad as made me" and the ending is so fucking stupid. Thankfully is daughter is in Clerks III for less than 30 seconds.
I've never seen a movie that looked and sounded worse than "Reboot" did. I've seen porn movies with better production values, WAY better. It looked and sounded like it was "filmed" by some stoned retard with his phone, which it probably was. On top of that, the acting and the dialog were both laughably shitty, even by Kevin Smith movie standards. At least his other movies, regardless of how shitty they might have been, looked and sounded like they were filmed with real cameras and real microphones. I liked Jay and Silent Bob and I went into it with realistic expectations, and I lasted maybe fifteen minutes. It was bad in a way that makes you feel embarrassed to even be watching it. He had a lot of balls charging people for that, especially his "die-hard" fans, who that giant piece of shit was allegedly for.
Saw it yesterday. It was bad...real bad...but the big twist in act three was totally unexpected and actually quite good, by Kevin Smith standards. The thing with Kev is that ever since he started with the weed, his films just look like total garbage, like he forgot everything he knew about the actual filming. But again, the big twist was kind of shocking and way out of character for him, and IMO made the whole thing worth watching.


Saw it yesterday. It was bad...real bad...but the big twist in act three was totally unexpected and actually quite good, by Kevin Smith standards. The thing with Kev is that ever since he started with the weed, his films just look like total garbage, like he forgot everything he knew about the actual filming. But again, the big twist was kind of shocking and way out of character for him, and IMO made the whole thing worth watching.
It took me out of the film. I don't know if I'll be able to watch Clerks again. Let alone Clerks II.