Was the Pat getting jerked off sex tape real?

Was the Pat getting jerked off sex tape real?

  • Yes, faggot

  • No, faggot.

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Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Not Rick, unfortunately.

Rick has an extra wide nigger nose.

Video guy is a different fat retard.

Patso would brag about being the 'straight' guy in a gay porn he's so woke. And gay.



Not Rick, unfortunately.

Rick has an extra wide nigger nose.

Video guy is a different fat retard.

Patso would brag about being the 'straight' guy in a gay porn he's so woke. And gay.

View attachment 72119
That guy has an aquiline nose and eyes that are close together. The bridge of Pat's nose is low, not meeting his brow ridge, is wide like a black's, and his eyes are far apart.

Also, Pat would be the one doing the jerking off and sucking, not the one receiving pleasure. He's a beta and a bottom.