Was Ben Avery Tim Dilon's handler?



Never really watched his pod, just keep hearing it went to shit ever since his professional relationship and friendship with his producer, Ben went to shit. Was Ben his handler all along? People are sheep, I have a feeling this claim that Tim's show is going downhill isn't even organic but some bot/PR campaign which ppl then follow along.


Why’d their relationship sour?
Tim had a hissy fit on air because Ben said something negative about that youtuber SteveWillDoIt who was paying lots of money to get a plug on the podcast. In general Tim was just a cunt to him. Someone who went to see Tim’s standup a few months ago told me Ben was with him the whole time and pretty much waited on him hand and foot while he acted like a total diva. The show is a sinking ship anyway, his rants have run out of steam and he’s a horrible interviewer. He’s finished


Tim Dillon can be really funny on podcast. As a comedian, he is not that great. He is terrible at interviewing people. Before becoming really famous, he used to do the show with another fat guy. The show used to be really funny because the fat guy was able to yes and Tim's retardation.

I stop listening to the show for a while. Before Ben leaving. It reached its peak. Tim thinks that people like his rants more than comedy itself.


Tim is making 200k a month everytime one of these patreon homos blows up it goes to there head and they end up sinking the ship . Tim would rather fag around with Whitney Cummings and laugh at joe rogans awful stories than actually get good at standup.
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Ben was Tim's friend before he got famous. He was kind of a Baba Booey style producer. Incredibly lazy and incompetent. The only entertainment he brought to the show was being a punching bag for Tim


Felony Shitter
I'm pretty sure he was his producer for his podcast who also used to travel with him when he was on tour. I have no idea if his podcast is shit or not. I listened to a couple of episodes and it can be amusing at times but if you don't have any guests on your podcast to have a conversation with it can become a bit tiresome.
I can't listen to solo pods for just that reason