Walgreens regretfully loses a pig's business



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Call crisis management. We lost Pat's business..png

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
"anti science"

again Pat showing his zero science literacy, this has absolutely nothing to do with science, it is not within the scope of science in any way

I believe overeating is a bad habit that affects society negatively... If I don't feed trash to my kids doesn't mean I reject the scientific notions that compose our understanding of how digestion works

also CVS likely has the same policy, fatty didn't even check before oinking on twitter



Stand Alone Fruit
It’s not anti science if it’s related to a religious belief. Thanks to lawyers it’s allowed, that’s who pig should be angry with, someone sued and won and they have to follow the rules. For example fathers taking paternity leave is covered by some big companies now, how? Some manager somewhere told a guy he can’t take paternity leave since he didn’t have the baby and BOOM now a man can get 12 weeks paid paternity leave and they don’t have to be married to the woman they knocked up.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Good for Patrick, CVS Pharmacies is clearly the choice for virtuous individuals like him. He's sending a message to Walgreen's.

Jamie bring up their wikipedia page.

Some good ones there, but let's go "Allegedly racist receipt"

In 2013 a Korean customer, Hyun Lee, was identified as "Ching Chong Lee" on her receipt from a CVS in New Jersey. Lee contacted CVS and received an email response saying that the employee would be "counseled and trained". Lee's attorney said "[The employee] should have been terminated immediately. She never got an apology. She never got anything further after she complained." On April 16, 2013, Lee filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against CVS and sought $1 million.[71] She settled for an undisclosed sum.

Looks like CVS can't protect consumers from getting "Ching Chong Lee" written on their receipt. Now do "Refusal of Service to a transgender woman"

In July 2018 a transgender woman in Arizona posted an allegation on the ACLU of Arizona website. She said she had attempted to fill prescriptions for hormone therapy at the CVS store in Fountain Hills, Arizona, and that the pharmacist had refused to fill the prescriptions and instead subjected her to loud questioning in front of other customers and pharmacy staff – demanding her to explain why she had been prescribed the medications. She said the pharmacist also refused to return the prescription notes to her or to transfer the prescription to another pharmacy. She said she filed a complaint with CVS and received no acknowledgement of her complaint until she went public with the allegation three months later. In an email to The Arizona Republic on the day they published an article about the story, CVS apologized to her, stating that the pharmacist had violated company policies and was no longer employed by CVS and that the incident "does not reflect our values or our commitment to inclusion, nondiscrimination and the delivery of outstanding patient care."[80] The newspaper also said that the pharmacist's alleged actions may have violated the laws governing pharmacy practices.[80]

Pretty transphobic. Maybe try Rite Aid?