Wait. Details Torquester, details


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
You're lucky I have a few jamesons in me...

I made a thread about it once but deleted it because even though I think it's cathartic to joke about shit, I pussied out in thinking the replies here could fuck with me lol.

But there was a really funny reply by Stent. Basically my girlfriend killed herself a few months after I dumped her, and I was in denial/ignored her suicide for years and years. Then I finally accepted it and had a breakdown. Stent's reply was something like "I find it funny how she did a dramatic cry for your attention by killing herself yet you still ignored that for years."

The other replies were calling me an egotistical faggot for thinking it was me who caused her suicide, and she wasn't just mentally ill, but nah..... there's details to it that I won't get into.

You probably did cause her suicide. Your attitude towards women honestly verges on some deep, insecure misogynist shit. Obsessing over Mew, obsessing over Flavia. If you go on a date with a random girl, you don't need to log onto onaforums to make a "CHINESE GIRLS ARE FUCKING SUBHUMAN CUNTS THAT EXIST ONLY FOR MY SEXUAL PLEASURE!"

I learned this lesson in 10th grade: respect your girl. Don't throw her under the bus in the locker room and tell the other boys that thing she does with her tongue.


You're lucky I have a few jamesons in me...

I made a thread about it once but deleted it because even though I think it's cathartic to joke about shit, I pussied out in thinking the replies here could fuck with me lol.

But there was a really funny reply by Stent. Basically my girlfriend killed herself a few months after I dumped her, and I was in denial/ignored her suicide for years and years. Then I finally accepted it and had a breakdown. Stent's reply was something like "I find it funny how she did a dramatic cry for your attention by killing herself yet you still ignored that for years."

The other replies were calling me an egotistical faggot for thinking it was me who caused her suicide, and she wasn't just mentally ill, but nah..... there's details to it that I won't get into.


The movie where she plays satan with brendan fraser was just an excuse to put her in sexy outfits each scene.

You probably did cause her suicide. Your attitude towards women honestly verges on some deep, insecure misogynist shit. Obsessing over Mew, obsessing over Flavia. If you go on a date with a random girl, you don't need to log onto onaforums to make a "CHINESE GIRLS ARE FUCKING SUBHUMAN CUNTS THAT EXIST ONLY FOR MY SEXUAL PLEASURE!"

I learned this lesson in 10th grade: respect your girl. Don't throw her under the bus in the locker room and tell the other boys that thing she does with her tongue.
My new years resolution is to fuck 100 chinese girls over the course of 2023 and Im gonna post about every single 1 of those.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
The movie where she plays satan with brendan fraser was just an excuse to put her in sexy outfits each scene.

My new years resolution is to fuck 100 chinese girls over the course of 2023 and Im gonna post about every single 1 of those.
My new years resolution for 2023 is to bring @Jenna, @SpringfieldDan & @FurBurger to justice for the dozens and dozens of 10 year old children they have raped.

I'm also looking forward to every single one of those 100 threads brotherman.


That’s gonna be about $20,000 if you stay in the States
I just did the math... 3000 if I spend 30 bucks on each meal. Throw in travel expenses etc... let's put it up to 4000... then potential second dates etc if can't bang after 1... damn, could be like close to 10,000.
I'll have to do some more planning for this. I wonder if I can get away with just walking through a park for a date instead of lunch lmao.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
I just did the math... 3000 if I spend 30 bucks on each meal. Throw in travel expenses etc... let's put it up to 4000... then potential second dates etc if can't bang after 1... damn, could be like close to 10,000.
I'll have to do some more planning for this. I wonder if I can get away with just walking through a park for a date instead of lunch lmao.
You’re forgetting man hours and opportunity costs. You need a date every night and a 30% closing ratio. Sourcing these dates will be difficult, especially if they’re all to be Chinese. Lots of Filipinas will try to sneak in there on you too. You’re gonna have to do lots of cold calling to people, most of whom have English as a second language or barely at all.

The massage method is was easier plus it has a known price tag and 100% success rate


Pay attention to how nervous I am


You’re forgetting man hours and opportunity costs. You need a date every night and a 30% closing ratio. Sourcing these dates will be difficult, especially if they’re all to be Chinese. Lots of Filipinas will try to sneak in there on you too. You’re gonna have to do lots of cold calling to people, most of whom have English as a second language or barely at all.

The massage method is was easier plus it has a known price tag and 100% success rate

Hinge has an option where you can change your matches to be any ethnicity you want. But that's just 1 of my many ideas. I want to avoid prostitutes etc due to my fear of herpes and STDs.