Wagner boss Prigozhin's dead...plane he was on "crashed"


The gunslinger.
Oh sweetie, this isn’t putin crushing his enemies, there’s no evidence of that. This is an accident and russia was going to run out of ammo 2 weeks into the invasion 18 months ago. I’m sorry you’re too stupid to understand why Putin is Voldemort and an ineffective pussy we can bully who won’t do anything and also why he’s a once in a generation mad man evil who’s capable of anything and can destroy us all on a whim and must be stopped at all costs.

Dusty Dan

Once this was posted on reddit people were scrambling to make the overused and tired jokes about falling out of a window or shot in the back of the head suicide. Every time a russian dies they have to act like these are a new quip and post them.
Meanwhile, where are all the Lucy Letby jokes?

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
Don't have any good ones, but I'd fuck her for the goof.

An English 8 and an everywhere else 4
It's weird I keep seeing photos of her in social situations and she truly looks like the nice girl next door type that is freinds with one of the girlfriends that you don't mind. That said most her freinds seem to be women 10/15+ years older than her so clearly there was something a little weird unless that's just the only people who didn't know how to delete/private Facebook photos which is possible

Joe's False Teethers

Moo moo moo moo
It's weird I keep seeing photos of her in social situations and she truly looks like the nice girl next door type that is freinds with one of the girlfriends that you don't mind. That said most her freinds seem to be women 10/15+ years older than her so clearly there was something a little weird unless that's just the only people who didn't know how to delete/private Facebook photos which is possible
All of her "friends" were her nursing coworkers who didn't really give a shit about her outside of the hospital guaranteed, this girl was a freak hermit with love notes all over her apt, the doctor she was banging was the only attention she got which is what led to her developing this murder complex