Video games are the superior form of entertainment


The most insignificant thing now is behind a paywall. You can play any fighting game from the 00s that gave you tons of alternate outfits for free while that would be $500 in microtransactions today.

PS2 is still the best system ever produced from it's stable of games.
I miss the days of going to GameStop and picking up stacks of PS2 games I never played and staying up late discovering new games. Take me back.
I miss the days of going to GameStop and picking up stacks of PS2 games I never played and staying up late discovering new games. Take me back.
Mid 00s was a great time to be young and playing all the now classics that were new at the time. Online gaming was in it's infancy and even that was better than anything nowadays. The Socom games were a blast. Back when you can call people nigger and it wasn't a big deal.

I kinda want to get back into the Syphon Filter PS1 games.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
If it’s what you like and gives you enjoyment then that’s pretty cool.

Me? Video games don’t appeal to me at all. I think they’re for a variety of types of people but I also notice that some of the biggest faggots I’ve ever observed tend to love video games and think they apply to real life.

So, no thanks.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini


Fruit Loops, Cheerios, Pops, Trix, Cocoa Pebbles
Isonzo - Italian Front. Good WW1 shooter with cool maps. Came out last month. Some of you faggots should get into it.

This game FAWKIN RULES! started topping out on the scoreboard after like 6 games. Still don’t know what the fuck mountaineer does


Fan of the Era
This game FAWKIN RULES! started topping out on the scoreboard after like 6 games. Still don’t know what the fuck mountaineer does
Yeah. I've just been getting my rifleman to level 10 for unlocks before trying Assault and Mountaineer. Pistols seem a little OP at the moment.


Anyone play yakuza? Just got a PS4 for free from my friend and the only game he gave me is Spider-Man lol


Anyone play yakuza? Just got a PS4 for free from my friend and the only game he gave me is Spider-Man lol
I've played them all if you want to see if you like them play Yakuza 0 first (it's a prequel and a good start since the remake of 1 and 2 has references to it) and then the rest of them. It's very Japanese but the story is better than any shit western game developers put out. I enjoy them more than GTA. The map is much smaller but way more detailed than GTA or other open world games. I spent hours just at the casino or playing the arcade games in it. Highly recommend it.

Get Bloodborne too.