Up your steak game, brothamen.


Nice For Here
Was expecting cast i-ron heavy duty grilling grates.


Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Salt, pepper and garlic salt generously on both sides of meat that you patted dry with a paper towel. Let rest for 30 minutes if previously refrigerated. Cast iron pan on grill, wait until it’s piping hot, put in a little butter. Put the steak in the pan, push it down so you get a full sear crust. Two minutes each side. After that leave them in the pan and move it to a side of the grill with zero flame or coals. Cook until the meat temps at 125 if you want mid rare. Pull them off and let rest for at least ten minutes. Use the same pan to make some asparagus. Slice the steaks and serve.

Easy as fuck. If you really want to replicate the $100 steakhouse steaks learn how to dry age your own steak.


Reverse sear that shit
sometimes I do the pretentious faggoty butter/rosemary/garlic in the pan and baste that bitch
sometimes I simply serve my steak on a plate alone with some nice bone broth and horseradish
What other ways to make a great steak we got?
Reverse sear is the best way to cook a steak, imo.

Thicker cuts are better but if I do a NY Strip, I just take it out at around 100 degrees so the steak doesn't get over-done when I sear and baste. I usually baste with thyme but rosemary and garlic are good too. Also prefer reverse sear because you can finish it on the grill too but I almost always finish steaks on cast iron because it gives that nice crust.

Air fryer asparagus or an ear of sweet corn and an air fryer baked potato. Fawwwkin' delicious.