Unfunny cunt bitch Kerryn Feehan

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Kerryn is complaining about yall on twitter :)
She is getting people to dox for her



So when she claims she's being harassed, she's full of shit. She's so proud and open about her asshole until it's texted to her parents then it's "harassment"
Fuck you cunt, you are a disappointment to your family and you damn well know it.
Murdering a hooker is a victimless crime and no doubt that's how your father feels about all this


Stand Alone Fruit

So when she claims she's being harassed, she's full of shit. She's so proud and open about her asshole until it's texted to her parents then it's "harassment"
Fuck you cunt, you are a disappointment to your family and you damn well know it.
Murdering a hooker is a victimless crime and no doubt that's how your father feels about all this
She’s making money charging people to see her nude then gets upset when people send those pics to family members. This is the state of women in 2022.