UFC 276 Discussion Thread

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
Was stuck driving last night and missed most of it. I caught the Izzy fight (meh) and the O’Malley eye-poke highlighted. Sugga is getting boring to watch with all these constant injuries/no contests/whatever. Any brothaman care to give me a quick rundown of whats worth checking out?

What other fights were good? Howd Barbarina do? Hes been pretty impressive lately. Was Lawler worth watching? Strickland fight any good?
Strickland KTFO in like 25 seconds, looked like a real amateur. Barberina was FOTN. It’s always the stacked cards like this that are boring and the ones that look like shit that go off.


Anyone think Cerrone was a putz for placing his hat and gloves in the ring to signal his retirement BEFORE Rogan could talk to Miller - the winner - who just became the all-time winningest fighter?

Miller wanted to say something when Rogan finally got to him but stopped and took the classy route.

Cerrone's "I just don't love it anymore, man" made us laugh. Nobody loves getting Ko'd/choked out on tv every time they fight, dawg. Get your phony cowboy hat and hit the trail, partner.
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Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Was stuck driving last night and missed most of it. I caught the Izzy fight (meh) and the O’Malley eye-poke highlighted. Sugga is getting boring to watch with all these constant injuries/no contests/whatever. Any brothaman care to give me a quick rundown of whats worth checking out?

What other fights were good? Howd Barbarina do? Hes been pretty impressive lately. Was Lawler worth watching? Strickland fight any good?
Honestly it was one of those rare instances where the preliminary card hard much better fights than the main. The Strickland fight was sad to watch as a fan


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Anyone think Cerrone was a putz for placing his hat and gloves in the ring to signal his retirement BEFORE Rogan could talk to Miller - the winner - who just because the all-time winningest fighter?

Miller wanted to say something when Rogan finally got to him but stopped and took the classy route.

Cerrone's "I just don't love it anymore, man" made us laugh. Nobody loves getting Ko'd/choked out on tv every time they fight, dawg. Get your phony cowboy hat and hit the trail, partner.
Yeah that was some faggot shit. "Im gonna be a movie star" no you aren't you dumb faggot. You're going to go to Hollywood and have some minor roles in shitty b-movies with Steven Seagal.