
This is the crux of why ALL people who change genders will regret it. Life is harder on men in some ways, but men are waaay better equipped to deal with it naturally. Any woman who tries to transition is going to be treated like any other short, skinny, shy, bottom-of-the-barrel beta bitch man. Same with women, even most biological women have to put in a lot of effort to look good, and that is with all of the natural advantages they have going for them. A biological male is never going to come close no matter how much tranny surgery they get. The best they can do is maybe they might look passable if they spend hours and hours in the bathroom putting on pounds of make-up and taking a selfie at just the perfect angle. They will never fool anyone in real life.


The Night Time Attitude
This is the crux of why ALL people who change genders will regret it. Life is harder on men in some ways, but men are waaay better equipped to deal with it naturally. Any woman who tries to transition is going to be treated like any other short, skinny, shy, bottom-of-the-barrel beta bitch man. Same with women, even most biological women have to put in a lot of effort to look good, and that is with all of the natural advantages they have going for them. A biological male is never going to come close no matter how much tranny surgery they get. The best they can do is maybe they might look passable if they spend hours and hours in the bathroom putting on pounds of make-up and taking a selfie at just the perfect angle. They will never fool anyone in real life.
That's the thing these delusional trannies seem to never grasp. You can never truly be a man or woman because you've never been raised in the world of a man or woman.

If a woman cuts off a piece of her leg and gets it rolled up into a Frankenstein cock in place of her vagina, she is not a man. She has no reference for how to navigate the world as a man. She has never developed a moral philosophy to live her life as men do. She is still a woman.

There is a level of coldness to being a man that I can safely say no woman will ever experience or begin to know how to cope with.


Hosting Brunch at a Night Club.


Senator Sanitorium was right. Pretty soon we'll be fuckin' dogs.
I remember when that faggot Dan Savage thought it was a good idea to get back at Rick Santorum for being anti-homo by coining a slang word "santorum" as "the combination of feces and semen that results from anal sex." Boy you sure showed him, Dan. Really proved he was wrong about gays being disgusting degenerates.