Trannies/holes already whining about cripple access for Worldcon Chicago





This is so depressing. Not trying to hate on these people or anything. Let them have their little reject party and let them be bitter and petulant. I don't care. The last thing I want is to even think about their pathetic existence.

And yet otherwise normal, or capable of being normal people, like Pat and that woman who has several names and is very uppity about it, choose to associate with these miserable people. Why? It's like they want to be surrounded by pathetic losers that they can feel superior to.


I cannot wait to attend this. Start planning a way to get the SpaceGun in now Patrick, you never know who might ask for an autograph!

Someone could possibly get a book signed while "pretending" to be severely autistic.


"Please sign your book, which fell short of the best seller list by 33,456,983 sales, but is the 'best selling' book that you have written, as of [today's date]."