Tommy Tomlinson, Town Drunk


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
"Tipsy Tom"


"Tipsy Tom"
When it's written out like that, it just looks so fucking absurd that one cannot help but laugh at how full of shit Patrick is-- if Tommy T. we're 3 of those things it would be pretty impressive, but all of them? Sure, Patrick. And of course since they're his father's accomplishments, Pat is an expert in all of those fields via osmosis.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
When it's written out like that, it just looks so fucking absurd that one cannot help but laugh at how full of shit Patrick is-- if Tommy T. we're 3 of those things it would be pretty impressive, but all of them? Sure, Patrick. And of course since they're his father's accomplishments, Pat is an expert in all of those fields via osmosis.
And has already surpassed them all while dividing his time between the fart couch and the bar at Hooligans. Impressive stuff, Pat.