Tommy Tomlinson, Town Drunk

Pringle Can Lothario

Sir...don't do that!
Eau Claire, Route 4 (we've confirmed this address when he married the cunt)

November 10, 1973 - Tommy is out drunk driving and injuring senior citizens. Shameful. (Note one of the victims injuries....)

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SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
have a read: a bunch of instances in which Fatty mentioned drunk driving related terms" OR "drunk driver"&src=typed_query&f=live

including, of course, comparing the GOP with a drunk driver lol, this should ba a game, pick any random subject, everyday object and search it on Pig's profile and count how many tweets it takes to reach one in which he's talking about le orange man

his DOB is JANUARY 11TH 1949 if anyone was wondering, he does indeed participate in elections and, unlike Patrick, Thomas Gregory Tomlinson voted in the 2012 presidential election
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Eau Claire, Route 4 (we've confirmed this address when he married the cunt)

November 10, 1973 - Tommy is out drunk driving and injuring senior citizens. Shameful. (Note one of the victims injuries....)

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Kind of funny that it was basically a ticket. They were both drunk and intoxication assault didn't exist. You had to be completely shithoused to get a DWI in the 70's and early 80's.
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