To: Cuntfucker - be more funny

Racist Google Intern

I'm not really racist, my best friend is black
Since CF can't resist his compulsion to suicide by mod and stick to a reasonable amount of spam and actually good points. He can troll us all with words. Should be easy for the mighty cuntfucker to take us all down with just his arguments. He no longer has the ability to post images. I think. I likely fucked the permissions up.
well he found a work around, salute to that cuntfucker





This is art, tho


#1 Poster
You are worse than my gf, little girl crying over a butthole, grow up. Just let me make fun of the incels in peace, also stop deleting posts making fun of you, it only makes it clear how right I am. My words are more vicious than any JPG. Poo Patrick likes his little baby boy tantrums removing privileges, it makes him feel like a big boy!


#1 Poster
Very ironic how people who spend their entire lives harassing one person 100 v 1 in the worst ways possible can't take a single person with any sort of intelligence or wit coming at them. Using the block function (or worse, being a mod and deleting posts) means that when you stare in the Patrick, the Patrick stares back and changes you deeply. One day you thought you were an edgy cool racist, the next you are crying over a butthole.

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
You heard it here folks. I'll ban anyone who makes fun of me.

Since cf loves transparency, he tried to quote the butthole post in an effort to circumvent his image impotency, but realized he can't quote another image. He must have deleted that by mistake so I've restored it.
I’m glad we won’t be for making unwanted sexual advances towards you.
Very ironic how people who spend their entire lives harassing one person 100 v 1 in the worst ways possible can't take a single person with any sort of intelligence or wit coming at them. Using the block function (or worse, being a mod and deleting posts) means that when you stare in the Patrick, the Patrick stares back and changes you deeply. One day you thought you were an edgy cool racist, the next you are crying over a butthole.
Do you want to see something ironic? Claiming to possess "any sort intelligence or wit" and the best you can come up with is:


"- Look at my heinie..."


#1 Poster
You heard it here folks. I'll ban anyone who makes fun of me.

Since cf loves transparency, he tried to quote the butthole post in an effort to circumvent his image impotency, but realized he can't quote another image. He must have deleted that by mistake so I've restored it.
Generally speaking, it's only reddit mods that have the audacity to powertrip this blatantly; deleting critical posts, censoring those who disagree. And yet they remain so smug about it. Poo Patrick can pretend he's a big boy online, but I know better.