Time for a Drink. Nana is out and about



So that grotesque hag made Nana foot the bill for a night out with a few other hideous slags, and he's pretending he's HAVING SO MUCH FUN as he pounds beers, anxiously titters, nervously hoots, plays with his fingers, and silently counts the minutes until he can get back home in front of his beloved screens. All so people ignore his obvious, blatant homosexual tendencies. Oh, yes, and because he requires full-time care since his greasy dago ticker went on the blink.

Those cows look like the kind of broads you just dread being anywhere near. Loud, obnoxious, noisy, crude, gross bitches, without so much as a molecule of charm between them. Which is why they're out on the town in fucking Greenville with an elderly, dying, washed-up former shock radio second banana who lusts after children and men with faggy beards. No real man will have her, and with good cause.
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Clearly enjoying this time out and about and oh wait he’s now into WNBA, and raging about black athletes
Hazing hotshot rookies is a time-honored pro sports tradition. Anthony is such a pathetic, confidently incorrect ball of misery.

He is angry every single day of his life. Then he turns around and pretends that he is loving it, and tries to flaunt a modest McMansion and the FREEEEDOM to… burn his trash in the backyard?

Opie is lame but he clearly won.