TIL movie set buildings are not finished nor furnished


Imagine the mess after his big fat head explodes upon learning about map paintings.
He already tweeted about that didn't he? I remember Nikki standing in front of Mount Rushmore and him saying something inane about it. Found it
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Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
Patrick, your hubris and stupidity never cease to amaze. Who did you think would be impressed by this? Most people learned this the first time they watched Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. Of course, you likely never made it past the Large Marge scene and spent the rest of the evening crying in your mother's rotten bosom as she promised never to let you watch a rated PG movie again. But I digress.
You're a fat stupid rube and I truly hope your life continues to be one of misery, anger, and failure.
Fuck you.
Seriously. Fuck. You.