This was buried at the end of one of my Niki contact form threads and I felt it needed to be highlighted


Opie Simp
Someone (not me) is now posing as Pat preemptively warning people about the contact form trolling.




This is 4d chess. I'm actually jealous that I didn't think of this first. Whoever it is, I TYFYS.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
The bluntness of "your skin is the color of shit, in my day we'd hang negroes from the trees" can be funny but I dig the subtle ones more. The polite ones really make it look like he's backtracking.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Holy fucking shit is that funny. Has anyone ever been trolled worse than this? I'm not familiar with the Chris Chan saga so maybe him but jesus, this is fucking next level.
Chris Chan's "trolling" was different in that his severe autism made him completely susceptible to being manipulated to doing whatever anyone wanted by simply pretending to be a girl. So the vast majority of youtube videos, freakouts, even all of his comics, literally Chris's entirely online presence was manufactured by trolls.

Pat on the other hand has something else wrong with him. His mental faculties are there. Yet for some reason, he chooses to be a willing participant in the destruction of his life, and truly deserves all of it.


Yet for some reason, he chooses to be a willing participant in the destruction of his life, and truly deserves all of it.
From what I know (not much) malignant narcissists as a rule hate themselves. I think things like being a daughter abandoner and generally being a complete fraud eat at him constantly with or without the prodding of those reddit guys and he invites the hate because he wants to be hurt and humiliated for being a garbage person.


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This bit is genius. Maybe it could be extended by something 4chan did. "And I totally support that you're trans. I'm a big supporter of trans rights."