This picture is funny on so many levels

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.


At this point Nikki started her alcohol bloating. Look at those jowls.

Another thing to point out. They are stuck in a tiny hotel room with (at least) 3 other obese men for hours just standing around. That room had to smell like stale farts and body odor.
it looks like some of them are drinking zero gravity malt liquor beer which is what the homeless people in graveyards drink. disgusting low class bunch of people.

You got Rick as the centerpiece looking a complete fucking mong, playing with his dinosaur toy that it took him literal years to finish painting. Then you got Niki behind him, regretting every decision she made in her life that got her to that point - beer in hand and sunglasses atop her balding head.

Finally, you've got what is now 100% confirmed to be old, graying, bulldyke Mama 'Brick Top' Raven looking on with her sour cunt expression. I'm not sure what she's drinking from that cup but the rumors are that it's goat's milk (which she was raised on from birth).
Brick Top got a fella’s ribs over here. That’s a fitting comparison, old Brick Top certainly knew his stuff about Pigs.

What an incredibly gay hobby for a grown man to waste his time and money on. You are supposed to lose interest in childish horseshit like this after you get your first taste of pussy. He truly is a fat, effeminate, retard.
I had an incredibly gay hobby for thirty years. At least I knew that racing radio control cars was gay and kept it on the down low. You'd have to know me for at least a couple of years before I'd come out of the closet and I'd never talk about it around women. We all have our guilty pleasures. The difference between most people and Pat is that he wears them like a badge of courage on social media. There's nothing stealthy about that fat geek.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I had an incredibly gay hobby for thirty years. At least I knew that racing radio control cars was gay and kept it on the down low. You'd have to know me for at least a couple of years before I'd come out of the closet and I'd never talk about it around women. We all have our guilty pleasures. The difference between most people and Pat is that he wears them like a badge of courage on social media. There's nothing stealthy about that fat geek.
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I never saw that movie. I'll definitely have to watch it given my gay hobby history. There are three kinds of adults who race RC cars:
  1. The dad who raced when he was a kid and he's now racing with his kids
  2. The normal guy who's probably spending a little too much time and money on a gay hobby and not enough time on stuff that matters
  3. The sociopath who lives with his mom, bags groceries for a living or works at the post office, has nothing else going in his life other than racing RC cars, and nobody would be surprised if he was eventually arrested for being a serial killer
I always thought that you could make a funny/interesting movie about the guys who were part of the third group.

It’s Meboe

Solo Slow Joe Acoustic Show

You got Rick as the centerpiece looking a complete fucking mong, playing with his dinosaur toy that it took him literal years to finish painting. Then you got Niki behind him, regretting every decision she made in her life that got her to that point - beer in hand and sunglasses atop her balding head.

Finally, you've got what is now 100% confirmed to be old, graying, bulldyke Mama 'Brick Top' Raven looking on with her sour cunt expression. I'm not sure what she's drinking from that cup but the rumors are that it's goat's milk (which she was raised on from birth).
Right after this picture was taken Pat probably told both dykes to back up and give him some space, as they were “a little too close for comfort”