This picture is funny on so many levels


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

You got Rick as the centerpiece looking a complete fucking mong, playing with his dinosaur toy that it took him literal years to finish painting. Then you got Niki behind him, regretting every decision she made in her life that got her to that point - beer in hand and sunglasses atop her balding head.

Finally, you've got what is now 100% confirmed to be old, graying, bulldyke Mama 'Brick Top' Raven looking on with her sour cunt expression. I'm not sure what she's drinking from that cup but the rumors are that it's goat's milk (which she was raised on from birth).
Mama raven: either resting bitch face or look of pity/disgust. Probably consoled by the fact that Kyle is a scientist. Mad angry that nephew is chad sniper and her son is nearing 40, broke and playing with toy dinosaurs.

Chunk to the left: facing away from the center of attention, clearly disinterested.
Chunk to the right: arms crossed in front. sign of obstinance (ie. bored/doesnt want to be there)

Niki. observing her almost 40, husband, playing with toy dinosaurs on his birthday. She's a little boxy but the tshirt may be hiding what hips she has. she hasnt fully given up at this point. If she had any friends maybe they could have got her to re-evaluate her life choices. Her expression is the very definition of 'If only you knew how bad things really are'. Interesting that she isn't wearing her wedding ring.

Jowly Patrick with a face like a melting wax dummy. Bitchtits visible, gut overhang visible, arms the same thickness from shoulder to forearm terminating in dainty babyskin hands. Playing with a toy dinosaur. Overwhelming self importance/autism has rendered his ability to read the room.

mama raven and niki have moved into final position ready to give the special little guy his back pat for a job well done. Without it he won't stop showing off all night and other people want to talk.
Still trying to figure out when it was that Mama Raven was a hippie. Pat has claimed this million times and it's in his author bio, so it has to be true!

But the photos we've seen of her when she was young suggest a frumpy, (ugly), cardigan-wearing, goodie two shoes loser from 1957. And photos like this one when she's old show her has a fossilized (ugly) bag lady with a heavy dose of white trash. When was she a hippie, Patrick? When?!??!??!


Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Mama raven: either resting bitch face or look of pity/disgust. Probably consoled by the fact that Kyle is a scientist. Mad angry that nephew is chad sniper and her son is nearing 40, broke and playing with toy dinosaurs.

Chunk to the left: facing away from the center of attention, clearly disinterested.
Chunk to the right: arms crossed in front. sign of obstinance (ie. bored/doesnt want to be there)

Niki. observing her almost 40, husband, playing with toy dinosaurs on his birthday. She's a little boxy but the tshirt may be hiding what hips she has. she hasnt fully given up at this point. If she had any friends maybe they could have got her to re-evaluate her life choices. Her expression is the very definition of 'If only you knew how bad things really are'. Interesting that she isn't wearing her wedding ring.

Jowly Patrick with a face like a melting wax dummy. Bitchtits visible, gut overhang visible, arms the same thickness from shoulder to forearm terminating in dainty babyskin hands. Playing with a toy dinosaur. Overwhelming self importance/autism has rendered his ability to read the room.

mama raven and niki have moved into final position ready to give the special little guy his back pat for a job well done. Without it he won't stop showing off all night and other people want to talk.
She's mad her fat manchild son is playing with toys instead of her getting to raise her lovely grandchild with her beautiful daughter in law.

Or she thinks Patrick is her perfect little boy and vastly superior to her second, useless son Kyle.